上級分類: Browser monoculture

Dream browser

What should a browser provide? What APIs should be provided?


I am curious what you all think a browser should provide. Maybe we can design a layout engine that does everything you want.


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  • 能夠瀏覽除 https 之外的其他協議,如 Internet Browser 理念中所述。 (例如,postgres://mongodb://ftp:// 等,應該可以自然地直接從瀏覽器中瀏覽,爲人類呈現。)
  • 能夠在 http 之上本地瀏覽 API 協議,例如 graphql:///rest:/// 等。
  • 能夠本地閱讀郵件(SMTP、IMAP 等支持,就像其他人希望人們通過 REST API 一樣,這些協議有什麼問題?)
  • 能夠繼續使用 IRC,哦,就像過去一樣。 SeaMonkey 瀏覽器集成了 irc://
  • 日曆標準......爲什麼我們應該讓第 3 方主持我們的日曆?我認爲,Evolution 郵件客戶端具有該功能。然而,支持瀏覽郵件的能力完全可以是瀏覽器的角色。

這些通過直觀的 UI 訪問不同類型協議的功能可以通過使 JavaScript UI 庫成爲瀏覽器緩存的一部分來提供,因此,像“npm install”這樣的東西可以在瀏覽器中工作,並且 JavaScript 開發人員不必將他們的 JavaScript 與他們的網絡應用程序,這將節省大量帶寬,並使 CDN 幾乎過時。小部件庫(即 SnappyWidgets)也可能是其中的一部分。



Oh, this has to have a long list of things. for one:

  • Ability to browse other protocols than https , as described in the Internet Browser idea. (e.g., postgres://, mongodb://, ftp://, etc., should be browsable naturally and directly from browser, rendered for humans.)
  • Ability to natively browse API protocols on top of http, like graphql:///, rest:///, etc.
  • Ability to natively read mail (SMTP, IMAP, etc. support, as much as others want people to go through rest API, what's wrong with these protocols?)
  • Ability to go on IRC, oh, just like in good old days. SeaMonkey browser had an irc:// integrated.
  • Calendar standards... why should we have 3rd party host our calendars? I think, Evolution mail client has that feature. However, it could perfectly be the role of browser to support the capability to browse mail.

These capabilities to access different kind of protocols through intuitive UIs, could be provided by making JavaScript UI libraries part of browser cache, so, something like npm install would work within browser, and the JavaScript developers would not have to bring their JavaScript with their web apps, it would save a lot of bandwidth, and would make CDNs almost obsolete. Widget libraries (i.e., SnappyWidgets), could be part of that too.

Just a few of thoughts.


我想從瀏覽器中得到一些東西 -

  • Peer 2 對等存儲,例如 CRDT,如 dat 協議或 IPFS


  • 同步和遠程存儲 API,如 S3

  • 虛擬 DOM 和雙向綁定

  • 類似於 Opera Unite 的服務器組件

  • 高效的桌面小部件,可以自動懶惰地支持數萬億個項目

Some things I want from a browser -

  • Peer 2 peer storage such as with CRDT as in dat protocol or IPFS

  • SQL APIs

  • Sync and remote storage APIs like S3

  • Virtual DOM and two way binding

  • Server component similar to Opera Unite

  • Efficient desktop widgets that can lazily support trillions of items automatically

    : Mindey
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