問題: Public: Election

Election by animals


Dogs are often better judges of character than most people

YAML 來源 想法

You can tell a lot about a someone by how dogs react to them. Whether the reaction is loving acceptance, fearful cowering, or snarling attacks - their instincts are usually pretty good.

I wouldn’t vote for a candidate who even dogs couldn’t like*. So even if the election can’t entirely decided by dogs, every presidential debate should include some dogs on the moderator panel.

  • A recent NY Times article about Joe Biden’s dogs mentioned that the former guy was the first prez in over a century who *didn’t* have any pets. Put whatever construction you like on that, but I think it was equal parts that he could never care about anyone but himself - and that most dogs would turn on him even if he was handing out bacon.

I'm resharing this here, because it's trans-species inclusive way to do politics, it's funny and makes sense, if you think about it.

Credits: a1 of HalfBakery.


(別通知) (可選) 請,登錄

有趣〜狗很可愛,不喜歡就不搭理你。 疑問:狗是通過什麼感受器來判斷的?可不可以用電子感受器來代替?

有趣〜狗很可愛,不喜歡就不搭理你。 疑問:狗是通過什麼感受器來判斷的?可不可以用電子感受器來代替?

    : Mindey
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// 疑問:狗是通過什麼感受器來判斷的? //

對,那麼,狗對哪些人類特徵敏感,以及如何提取這些特徵? 現在,您正在談論AI如何替代狗...

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 
