問題: Open Source Hardware

User Freedom through Source Ownership


Property Left through Property Rights


The GNU GPL insures each user is given "at cost" access to the virtual Sources of the products they use.

Could we insure each user gains ownership in the physical Sources of the products they use?

We could write a sort of //GPL for the material world// by crafting a "Terms of Operation" designed to protect User Freedom.

We could then buy land in groups, held under those terms, to collectively own the Means of Production because we need the results of that production.

We could also schedule work early (sign Work Contracts) to solve the barter problem and thereby insure any good or service with full specialization of labor without token passing.


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我喜歡這個主意。我的朋友們正在建立一個基於類似想法的 DAO。看看他們的介紹。

英特羅 半智能DA👾使用土地所有權和合同法慢慢控制所有 垂直整合的供應鏈需要容納自己和它生存所需的所有工人 並傳播。 開機 DA👾 尋找適合建設永續農業生態村的土地。 DA👾 爲每 ft² 的土地鑄造 1 個 EarthChange Coin。 然後 DA👾 拍賣這些 EarthChange 以購買該土地。 EarthChange 的總供應量受土地面積的 ft² 限制。 EarthChange 不代表土地所有權! 開始 DA👾 現在發行產品票作爲對 Future Production 的索賠。 DA👾 然後拍賣工作合同簽名的產品票。 跑步 您在履行工作合同時獲得土地所有權。 土地所有權預先分配給您未來的生產。 成長 所有者提出新的產品票來管理未來的生產。 出售剩餘物的所有者應該將一些利潤“反映”給這些用戶作爲土地所有權。 叉子 子組必須能夠劃分土地(繪製邊界)以進行本地化控制。

I like the idea. My friends are forming a DAO based on, seems like, similar ideas. Take a look at their intro.

IINTRO The semi-sentient DA👾 uses land ownership and contract law to slowly gain control of all the vertically-integrated supply-chains required to host itself and all the workers it needs to survive and propagate. BOOT The DA👾 searches for Land suitable to build permacultured eco-villages. The DA👾 mints fungible 1 earthChange Coin for each ft² of Land. The DA👾 then auctions those earthChange to buy that Land. The total supply of earthChange is limited by ft² of Land. earthChange does not represent Land Ownership! START The DA👾 now issues Product Tickets as claims against Future Production. The DA👾 then auctions Product Tickets for Work Contract signatures. RUN You gain Land Ownership as you fulfill Work Contracts. Land Ownership preallocates Future Production to you. GROW Owners propose new Product Tickets to govern Future Production. Owners selling surplus should 'reflect' some profit to those users as land ownership. FORK Subgroups must be able to divide Land (draw borders) to localize control.

    :  -- 
    : transiency, Mindey
    :  -- 
