Loving Systems Logging P&L: -1 (≃ -387 TWD)

Experimenting if consciously feeling Love in everyday thinking and actions make impact on wellbeing
instagram.com/lovingsystems YAML 項目 產品

21 day habit-forming experiment:

How our lives will change (or not! it's an experiment) if we practise to feel Love in our daily thoughts and actions -

  • when responding to clients (wishing them Love),

  • when buying food and cooking (wishing a meal Love),

  • when reading the news (wishing all humans and the earth Love),

  • when responding to friends and strangers on the Internet (wishing them Love),


How to participate?

In that moment of sending love energy, capture the emotion through spontaneous photo or video with an intention to collect lifelogs from the perspective of "How does body as a system experience Loving Energy?". Photos as they happen are shared on a collective Instagram account

Comment here if you will participate and want access to Instagram :)

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發生了什麼? 我試圖在一天中感受到更多的愛的能量,在體驗這一天時,也在與他人和環境互動時。我拍了身體部位的照片(10 張用手、頭髮的照片)或我的環境(8 張照片是自然的,3 張是數字照片)併發布到一個共享的 Instagram 帳戶 - 發生的故事帖子和每天一次的動態帖子.

我現在感覺如何? 所以我感覺更平靜、和平、信任(即使在混亂中)。我還注意到身體和頭腦之間的聯繫,即當身體疲倦時,頭腦會生氣,反應更靈敏,觀察力下降。生活也感覺輕鬆多了。在這個過程中有希望和信任。也有一種團結的感覺。就像,有一種更深的紐帶將一切聯繫在一起。

下一步是什麼? 我想再做 21 天的挑戰,並對實驗進行一些更改。也許放慢腳步,也許在紙上記錄生活,更有意地改變情緒——更善於觀察,將判斷轉化爲觀察,在困難的情況下(當感到痛苦、緊張、衝突時)將默認的反應轉化爲對無條件愛的能量的默認反應。我很想在這種觀察轉變發生的時刻介紹一個適合口袋和生活日誌的小型紙質筆記本,我很好奇使用唾液和指紋作爲紙上無形的生活日誌來記錄生活,即我知道我記錄了它,但我看不到它,因此我不計算它(因爲計算有時會引發判斷)。另外,我想在實驗中引入聲音。聽音樂時,身體開始跳舞並立即轉換情緒。想着,在這裏試驗什麼與“普遍愛”的信息有關的可重複聲音會很酷。最後,我很想介紹一個反思時刻,在晚上,睡前,以反思一天是怎樣的——觀察,而不是判斷,也許向宇宙發送更多愛的能量。

總而言之,我接下來的 21 天實驗將側重於:將判斷、衝突、緊張轉化爲愛,並將這些時刻記錄在一個小筆記本上(手指浸入唾液並在紙上做標記)。 tbc:聲音和睡眠反射。

hey hey, 21 day challenge completed! and here's my reflection.

what happened? I tried to feel more loving energy throughout a day, when experiencing the day but also when interacting with others and environment. I took photos of body parts (10 feed photos with my hands, hair) or my environment (8 feed photos are nature and 3 were digital) and posted to a shared Instagram account - story posts as they happened and a feed post once a day.

how do I feel now? so I feel more calm, peace, trust (even in chaos). also I notice the connection between the body and the mind, i.e. when the body is tired, the mind is angry and more reactive, less observant. life feels easier too. there's hope and trust in the process. a sense of togetherness too. like, there's a deeper bond that bonds everything.

what's next? I'd like to do 21 more days challenge with some changes to the experiment. perhaps slowing down, lifelogging on paper perhaps, being more intentional with emotional shift - being more observant, transforming judgment into observation, transforming a default response to the energy of unconditional love in difficult situations (when feeling pain, tension, conflict). I'm curious to introduce a small paper notebook that fits the pocket and lifelog the moments when this transformation to observation happens, I'm curious to lifelog using saliva and a fingerprint as an invisible lifelog on paper, i.e. I know I lifelogged it, but I cannot see it, thus I don't count it (because counting sometimes sparks judgment). also, I'd like to introduce sound to the experiment. when listening to music, the body starts to dance and shift emotions instantly. thinking, what repeatable sounds that relate to the message of "universal love" would be cool to experiment in here. lastly, I'm curious to introduce a reflection moment, in the evening, before sleep to reflect how was the day like - observing, not judging, and perhaps sending some more loving energy to the universe.

to sum up, my next 21 day experiment will focus on: transforming judgment, conflict, tension into love and lifelogging those moments on a tiny notebook (finger dipped into saliva and marked on paper). tbc: sound and sleep reflection.

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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// 當事情受到傷害時,愛系統的練習很難,你的注意力就會集中在那裏,只是想要一個快速的解決方案

[malü],是的……送愛!今天早上 我讀到了感官:“當你將手指放在手腕上,感受你的脈搏,你實際上是在感受基於大腦預測和實際感覺數據的構造。你不會用你的感覺器官體驗感覺。你用大腦體驗它們。”


這讓我們想起了 Mansoor 所說的關於在行動中觀察線性思維。所以我想知道我們如何才能釋放身體疼痛?



// the practice of lovingsystems is hard when something hurts, your attention go there and just want a quick solution

[malü], yes... sending love! this morning I read about senses: "when you place your fingers on your wrist to feel your pulse, you’re actually feeling a construction based on your brain’s predictions and the actual sense data. You don’t experience sensations with your sense organs. You experience them with your brain."

I wonder if pains are like signals the bodies are sending to minds?

it reminds what Mansoor was saying about observing linear thinking in action. so I wonder how might we release body pains?

overall, linear thinking (analysis) to me feels like more resources demanding, like using more energy, I get tired more quickly compared to when I'm tuned into non-linear values.

another thought - when observing the body these 5 days, I noticed the body is demanding me to rest more, so I did. I wonder if we would track resting time or quality of resting as part of this experiment? here again, to me it feels that loving-systems are about no-judgment, no-expectation, minimum effort approach, and resting is definitely a minimum effort!

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實驗第 5 天:從昨天開始,我感到背部疼痛。它是如此有趣的過程,我意識到當某些事情受到傷害時,愛系統的練習很難,你的注意力就會集中在那裏,只是想要一個快速的解決方案。我在呼吸,與我的神經和肌肉交談,學習與我居住的這個活體交流的新方式。

Experiment Day 05: since yesterday I feel pain in my back. Its so interesting process and I realize that the practice of lovingsystems is hard when something hurts, your attention go there and just want a quick solution. I'm breathing, talking with my nerves and muscles, learning a new way of communication with this living body I inhabit.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey, Ruta
    :  -- 

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在發送愛能量的那一刻,我們通過自發的照片或視頻標記它,旨在收集“身體如何體驗愛能量?”的生活日誌。照片發生時會在集體 Instagram 帳戶上共享。分享發生的故事。每天分享一次來自每個人的摘要帖子,總結當天的經驗。

任何想參與實驗的人都可以訪問這個 Instagram 帳戶 :)

到 21 末期結束時,我們將擁有一個集體圖片庫,可以捕捉我們的愛心能量時刻。這些將存儲這些情緒,並可以進一步用於沿着這個主題進行創作。

We are diving into artistic collective lifelogging!

Open Experiment goes:

In that moment of sending love energy, we mark it through spontaneous photo or video with an intention to collect lifelogs on "How does body experience Loving Energy?". Photos as they happen are shared on a collective Instagram account. Share a Story as it happens. Once a day share a Feed Post from each that summarises those day's experience.

Anyone who wants to participate in the experiment will access this Instagram account :)

By the end of 21 end period we'll have a collective library of images that captured our Loving Energy moments. These will store those emotions and can be further used for creating along this theme.

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我們怎麼知道我們認爲愛能量?我們怎麼知道它對我們的生活有什麼影響? :))

What/How shall we monitor our wellbeing in this experiment?

How do we know we think Love Energy? And how do we know it has any impact on our life? :))

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 

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