Body Universe P&L: -0.3 (≃ -77 TWD)

Helping people to sync the right and left brain through body observation
YAML 項目 產品

A quantified self app that people use to observe the body wellness - how is kidney doing now, how is the heart, how is the back, how is a leg, etc - throughout the day. The app shows data visualisations and helps to pay attention to the whole body wellness.

Through body observation people tune into non-linear thinking and syncronise the left and the right brain, which balances the human body with the higher networks of living systems.

Project is sparked by systems philosopher and engineer Mansoor Vakili.

This is an open project and welcoming for everyone who is curious to join research or prototyping parts of this adventure!

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你好!我加入了這個項目,我在 Miro 板上添加了一幅畫,顯示了需要注意的身體部位:紅色、橙色和黃色。 “藍色和紫色是缺失的部分”,我沒有註冊的那些。

Hello! I'm joining this project and I add a drawing into Miro board, showing the body parts that needs attention: red, orange an yellow ones. "Blue and purple are for missing parts", that ones that i don't register.

    : Ruta
    : Mindey
    :  -- 

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// 現在腎怎麼樣了,心臟怎麼樣了,背部怎麼樣了,腿怎麼樣了 //


附註如果 Miro 板可以在沒有註冊的情況下公開訪問,就像 Figma 板一樣,那就太好了。

// how is kidney doing now, how is the heart, how is the back, how is a leg //

That should happen automatically, with neural-computer interfaces... But I'm curious what this sketching could lead to. Regarding the "QuantifiedSelf" app, one thing I've wanted, is a Social Network for Health Analytics, so you know, one's heart could talk to another's machine learning system, or a pillow, you know, without having to manually point and click in some app interface.

P.S. It would be great if Miro boards could be accessible publicly without registration, just like Figma boards are.

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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到我們的 合作委員會


to our colaboration board, I added my first sketch on how this app could look like with a comment:

"app interface could look like a body cartoon, when app is starting, as a user I can tap the body part that needs attention (observation); this could extend into tapping heart symbols and sending love energy to that body part"

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 

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Hello, World! Here's an virtual collaboration board for collecting visual prototypes together.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 

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