Application of Fractals in Society
What is a practical application of Fractal Geometry?
I watched a movie on Fractals. It seems to me that such thinking is useful when creating new technologies. But I wonder beyond that.
We had a fantastic exploration with Struppi! We played with spheres and vectors as magnets, and how they connect with one another into stable structures.
2 as a minimum system ("you cannot know thyself without the other")
Spheres as inside/outside/boundary ("no boundary between a human and nature because we're a shared air")
Life having many forms (polyforms)
Polycentric structure ("everyone can be a center of the Universe")
Triangle as a balanced relationship (example of tiny spheres as a cube and as a tetra)..
We plan to continue exploring and go further: take general principles of synergetics and imagine practical examples of how would our world look like if tetrahedron is the basic structure vs cube (how would a city look like? a community? and so on)
I asked Mansoor yesterday "how our projects can be fractal?" His answer was that it's project-specific. But a general idea is: "Elements can sync together to create a whole greater than its parts".
//“愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)拒絕相信擲骰子神。他寫給馬克斯·伯恩(Max Born)的一封信中說:“您相信一個上帝,我會在完整的法律和秩序中扮演骰子。”因此,他顯然感到偶然性和確定性法律不相容。他喜歡確定性定律。現在,Mandelbrot的場景,混亂和相關的事情對我們所做的就是表明您可以同時擁有這兩者。重要的不是上帝是否玩骰子。上帝就是這樣玩骰子的。” -伊恩·斯圖爾特教授(46:00)//
// “Albert Einstein refused to believe in a dice-playing deity. He wrote a letter to Max Born in which he said, ‘You believe in a God who plays dice and I in complete law and order.’ So, he obviously felt that chance and deterministic laws were not compatible. He preferred the deterministic laws. Now, what the Mandelbrot set and chaos and related things have done for us is to show that you can have both at the same time. It is not whether God plays dice that matters. It is how God plays dice.” — Prof. Ian Stewart (46:00) //
Before I talked to any of my friends (comments above), I wrote a reflection on my blog straight after watching a movie.
Now I realise that any topic can be interpreted in many ways: I have quite different points on my individual reflection and feedback from my friends. That makes me think that thinking individually and collectively are both important.