Desired Interaction on OO

What comments would help you explore widely, synthesise ideas and evolve projects?

YAML 問題 基地管理

How might we live what OO is about: "from zero to infinity" and "from solo O to togetherness OO"? What interactions do we seek here, so that our creativity is revealed and so that we find a common ground?

I like to think that we cannot see our individual selves (and our creativity as an expression of that) without the other, without the mirror, without the feedback loop. What interactions within the community would be most helpful? How can collectively we be a supportive space for nudging each other to go down the rabit hole of discovery?

When we type a puzzle, we get more clarity on our thinking process. What feedback as a comment do we seek, to move our thinking forward? To expand our puzzle and to go on a wide exploration. And then to synthesise the succint idea. And then to refine the methodology of how it works. So that others can take the idea and implement it, experiment with it in their locations. And finally, what feedback would be helpful, so that we courageously start an experiment, share our secret passion project? And so that we feel supported to share our intermediatery results for that project, our progress, our thought process. And finally what feedback do we need from others, so that we open up our projects for contributions from others, for the help received?

子分類: UX at oo.

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你問這些問題真是太周到了。他們是艱難的。我認爲這是一個過程。一方面,我只是時間有限,無法專注於太多事情。我試着擴大我的注意力。我認爲這很有價值,支持他人和互動。僅僅知道你們都在那裏會有很大的不同。我認爲我和 Kostya 可以從我們項目中的許多技能和知識中受益。我知道其他人也一樣。我們需要的是一個共同的目標,一個鼓舞人心的閃亮目標,它將我們聯繫到一個社區。這需要有機地出現。現在,我們應該給大家留一點時間。而且,想法越具體、越實用越好。有用的是用例、示例、教程和文檔。更多組織。爲每個項目插入一個 wiki 系統真是太棒了,有點像一個站點生成器,具有共性。那裏有那些,但是如果這個站點是一個文檔中心呢。只是一個想法。我喜歡一種簡潔的方式來了解事物。必須精確、縮小、描述並準確說明正在解決的問題。

Thats very thoughtfull of you to ask these questions. They are tough ones.I think its a process. I, for one, simply have limited time to dwell into too many things. I try to expand my focus. I see great value in that, and supporting others and interacting. Just knowing you all out there makes a huge difference. I think me and Kostya can benefit from a lot of the skills and knowledge represented here,in our project. I know same goes for others. What we need is a common goal, an inspiring shining goal, that binds us into a community. That needs to emerge organically. For now,we should leave a little time for all. Also,the more concrete and practical the ideas, the better. What helps is use cases, and examples, and tutorials, and docs.More organization. Be awesome to plugin a wiki system for each project,kinda a site generator,to have commonality.There are those out there,but what if this site is a doc central.Just an idea.I like a concise way to learn about things. Gotta be precise,consize, descriptive and state exactly the problem being solved.

    : Mindey, Ruta, kriz
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What inspires me the most is to build communities on the ground,to travel freely between friends and collaborators.Id love to form an org where we can support each other, have a travel fund, finance land acquisition,go travelling seeing each other and working together,on really meaningful projects, which is building communities.We can adapt existing communities.We can dedicate our efforts to these goals.This is what freedom means to me.

    : Mindey, Ruta
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在深層人類 (DH) 21 世紀意義構建框架中,我一直在開發以幫助人類應對人類世的混亂事件,人類被視爲心理-生物-文化的混合物。這場大流行讓每個人都意識到每個人的生物學本質是一個由數十億個細胞和數萬億個微生物組成的複雜超有機體。所有這些疫苗和藥物療法,以及口罩都應對肉眼看不見的威脅。所以我們的感知系統自然會降低優先級。只有我們的認知系統,在累積文化進化 (CCE) 的積累知識的支持下,我們才能看到因果關係。但是大多數外行人沒有該領域受過訓練的科學家的直覺和經驗,因此與它脫節,並且更容易被虛假敘述操縱。認知、文化偏見,如宗教偏見或政治偏見,創造的故事可以勝過科學敘事

對疫苗接種工作的看法非常兩極分化,這些觀點直接源於對我們個人福祉的同樣擔憂。這可以用來團結,正如我們在深層人類中所說的,一個共同的人類分母(CHD)。任何兩個人都有很多共同點。但是,要獲得 CHD 資格,就必須突出統一。由於擔心疫苗尚未經過全面測試並可能導致意想不到的後果,許多未接種疫苗的人正在棄權。另一種敘述與陰謀有關,暗示資本家或政府進行邪惡控制。這兩者都基於已被證明有害的真實政府和商業行爲。看看氣候變化,部分原因是化石燃料行業的欺騙性信息和遊說。

氣候和疫苗否認主義的存在根源於 DH 的另一個大話題,即進步陷阱——進步的陰影面,即進步的意外後果會給世界帶來傷害。

進步陷阱是非常真實的,當與批判性思維或對自己認知偏見的認識脫鉤時,可能會讓我們誤入歧途。這種教育本質上是 DH 實踐的領域,比以往任何時候都更重要,既可以避免或減輕未來的進步陷阱,也可以減少世界上的兩極分化,這種兩極分化會增加如此多的社會摩擦,從而導致危險的社會政治延誤。時間至關重要的時刻。

從 DH 的角度來看,Interbeing 的概念是非常基本的(Thich Nhat Hanh,Ubuntu),每個人都在生命中進行兩次平行的旅程——從出生到死亡的個人旅程,以及數百萬年前開始的文化旅程。事實上,對於一個物種來說,任何起點都很難確定。這兩者之間的反饋和信息流是理解我們現實的重要框架。在 Stop Reset Go 快速系統變化的聲明的核心是這種人類內在轉型 (HIT) 和社會外在轉型 (SOT) 互補變化的概念,這本身就是相互存在的表達。心臟感覺,頭腦思考,身體行動,我們在世界上表現出一些可以被另一個人觀察到的可觀察影響。從內到外,可以變成另一個內。

In the Deep Humanity (DH) 21st century sense-making framework I’ve been developing to help humanity navigate the chaotic events of the Anthropocene, the human being is seen as a psycho-biological-cultural amalgam. The pandemic is making everyone realize the biological nature of each human being as a complex superorganism composed of billions of cells and trillions of microbes. All these vaccines and drug therapies, as well as masks deal with threats that are invisible to the naked eye. so are naturally deprioritized by our perceptual systems. It’s only our cognitive systems, supported by the accumulated knowledge of Cumulative Cultural Evolution (CCE) that we can even see the cause-effect relationship. But most lay people do not have the intuition and experience of a trained scientist in the field so are disconnected from it, and easier to manipulate with false narratives. Cognitive,cultural biases such as religious ones or polical ones create stories that can outcompete scientific narratives

There are wildly polarized views of the vaccination efforts that directly arise from the very same concerns over our individual wellbeing. This could be used to unite as, as it is what we call in Deep Humanity, a Common Human Denominator (CHD). There are many things any two human beings have in common. However, to qualify as a CHD, it must be salient for unifying. Many of those not getting vaccinated are abstaining due to concerns that the vaccines have not been fully tested and can lead to unintended consequences. Another narrative is conspiracy related and suggests nefarious control by capitalists or the government. Both of these are based upon real governmental and business actions that have proven harmful. Look no further than climate change caused in part by the deceitful messaging and lobbying of the fossil fuel industry.

The existence of both climate and vaccine denialism have their roots in another big topic of DH, progress traps - the shadow side of progress where unintended consequences of progress bring harm in the world.

Progress traps are very real and when decoupled from critical thinking or awareness of one’s own cognitive biases can lead us astray. This education, which is essentially the domain of DH praxis, is more important than ever, both to avoiding or mitigating future progress traps, and to reduce the polarization in the world that adds so much social friction that it causes dangerous socio-political delays at a time when time is of the essence.

From DH perspective, the concept of Interbeing is very fundamental ( Thich Nhat Hanh, Ubuntu) that each human being is taking two parallel journeys in life - that of the individual from birth to death, and the cultural, begun millions of years ago. Indeed, any beginning point is difficult to nail down for a species. The feedbacks and information flows between these two is an important framework to make sense of our reality. In the heart of the Stop Reset Go statement of rapid system change is this notion of complimentary change of both Human Inner Transformation (HIT) and Social Outer Transformation (SOT), which itself is an expression of interbeing. The heart feels, the mind thinks, the body acts and we manifest some observable impact in the world that is observable by another human being. From inner to outer, which can become another inner.

    : 尹與及, Mindey, Ruta
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我也在和一個知識架構師一起做另一個項目......斯蒂芬認識他是因爲我介紹了他,他正在開發一個知識系統,可以通過對稱、相互學習和他一直在開發的軟件將個人與團隊聯繫起來在過去的 15 年裏,基於實現計算機行業先驅 Doug Englebert 的願景。他的第一個組件稱爲 Indywiki,它允許每個人創建自己的個人知識 wiki。人們在此網絡模型中的交互方式是將兩個 wiki 連接在一起。但是我和你談話的知識存儲在你和你的個人維基上。所以是的,有冗餘,但每個相互對話都保存在每個參與的對話者自己的 wiki 中,駐留在他/她自己的服務器上。

這使我們能夠在對話通過不斷變化的社交網絡發展時對其進行跟蹤。模因在這個動態的社交網絡中移動,並且隨着每次社交相遇而發展。這將與您在這裏嘗試完成的工作相得益彰。 Gyuri Lajos 是這個系統的發明者,他邀請我加入團隊參加現在正在進行的黑客馬拉松,但我錯過了及時申請。儘管如此,我將我大約 20 年前開發的開放知識共享設計的想法與他的想法結合起來,試圖爲 21 世紀的人類新知識框架開發一個框架。以下是有關我們的黑客馬拉松條目的更多信息:

它還與另一位同事 Roberto Vslenti 博士的工作相得益彰,我與之合作的人工智能科學家 Roberto Vslenti 正在開發一個他稱之爲 WEquest 的系統,以允許網絡需求驅動解決方案,然後獎勵解決方案提供商。這個想法是爲同情心和服務他人的良性循環建立一個空間,以激勵他們。我認爲將所有這些項目以及我正在從事的另一個項目 Codo 項目進行社會編織會很有成效,以創建系統變革超級有機體。

I am also working on another project with a Knowledge architect....Stephen knows him because i introduced him, who is developing a knowledge system that can connect the individual to the group through symmathesy, mutual learning, and the software he has been developing for the past 15 years, based on realizing the vision of computer industry pioneer Doug Englebert. His first component is called Indywiki, and allows everyone to create their own personal knowledge wiki. How people interact in this network model is by connecting together two wikis. But the knowledge of my conversation with you is stored on y own personal wiki and yours as well. So yes, there is redundancy, but each mutual conversation is kept in each participating conversants own wiki, residing on his/her own server.

This allows us to track a conversation as it evolves through ever changing social networks. The meme moves its way through this dynamic social network, and with each social encounter evolves as well. This would compliment nicely with what you are trying to accomplish here. Gyuri Lajos is the inventor of this system and he invited me to be on the team for a hackathon going on right now but i missed applying in time. Nevertheless, I’m marrying my ideas of an open knowledge commons design I’ve developed about 20 years ago with his ideas to try to develop a framework for a new knowledge framework for humanity for the 21st century. Here is more info on our hackathon entry:

It also compliments with the work of another colleague, Dr Roberto Vslenti, an AI scientist I collaborate with who is developing a system he calls WEquest to allow network needs to drive solutions and to then reward the solution provider. The idea is to setup a space for virtious cycles of compassion and serving others to be incentified. I think it would be fruitful to socially weave all these projects plus another project I’m working on, the Codo project, to create the system change superorganism.

    : Mindey, Ruta
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