上級分類: 加密貨幣政治、法律與政府

Infinity DAO Proposals

What DAO (or DAOs) could we benefit from as a community?

YAML 問題 基地管理

DAOs can be useful as vehicles for self-governance of and investment into a community, projects or teams, for representing and managing community and individual assets, and for collective decision-making. There are benefits in project and community tokenization, due to existing markets for tokens, however, becoming dependent on particular markets is not necessarily what community wants. I think, our community should be inclusive, and accessible to people regardless of whether or not they have tokens on a particular blockchain.

Therefore, good choices of DAO smart contracts are needed.

At high level, I think our community should be multi-ledger and benefit from multiple DAO agreements under different ledgers, in the spirit of NNC, and we should think about schemes of tokenization not so much as a method of self-governance, but as a pragmatic tool to move forward through interactions with the markets that have capital for crypto-tokens that we release to represent something we create or want to share with these markets.

What can our community agree on, and what makes sense to do?

I think:

  1. Since there are many blockchains that support DAOs and smart contracts (HLF, NEM, Waves, Ethereum, NEO, etc.), and there exist many markets that trade DAO digital assets, it would make sense to do some research into what markets could benefit us.
  2. If we have some interesting ways of tokenization of our collaboration, then we can make and take proposals for specific DAO formation, and try to form DAOs with rules in mind, even experimental DAOs -- just propose some specific smart contracts to go into, and we can consider that.
  3. The "oo" user associations with each different blockchain. How should it be done, why and if so, what's the best way to do it?

There are all kinds of DAOs (e.g., on Ethereum: (https://app.daohaus.club/explore)), with different self-imposed rules. Explore them before proposing specific way for us to self-tokenize, keeping in mind that rules of a DAO are never correct — the freedoms and modifiability of social contract needs to be considered.

In summary, let this be an open topic for thought of ways of community self-tokenization, and suggest particular proposals of rules of a DAO that could would work for us, as examples of smart contract code, or pseudocode, or just rules describe in human language.


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Good homework for everyone

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
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    :  -- 
    : Mindey
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[尹與及],是的,但是作爲去中心化組織形成的平臺,我們必須開發自己的EVM ,但鑑於有多個現有區塊鏈提供 EVM 的等效項,考慮元 VM 而不是重新發明它更有意義。

讓我們想想如何將多個區塊鏈用於一個 DAO,而不是在一個區塊鏈中定義一個 DAO。

[尹與及], yeah, but for being a platform for formation of decentralized organizations, we'd have to develop our own equivalent of EVM, but given that there are multiple existing blockchains that provide equivalents of EVM, it makes more sense to think about meta-VM rather than to reinvent it.

Let's think how multiple blockchains can be used for one DAO, instead of making a DAO defined in one blockchain.

對於 Stop Reset Go 項目,我們將公民社區視爲快速、自下而上的系統變化的基本構建塊或單元。一個實體社區大到足以擁有規模和容量,但小到足以避免官僚主義並做出響應。由於我們正在開發基於社區/城市規模的快速系統變更策略,其中縮小的行星邊界和每個城市的甜甜圈經濟指標作爲公民旨在實現的目標,因此每個參與的此類社區的 DAO 都是有意義的。

實際上可以有兩種交叉類型的 DAO,一種由 GIS 座標定義,另一種由特定的行星邊界/甜甜圈經濟工作組/子組定義。一種是社區內的,另一種是社區間的。


For the Stop Reset Go project, we are envisioning communities of citizens as the fundamental building block or unit of rapid, bottom-up system change. A physical community is large enough to have scale and capacity, but small enough to avoid bureaucracy and be responsive. Since we are developing a rapid system change strategy based on community / city scale where downscaled planetary boundary and doughnut economic indicators for each city serve as targets that citizens aim to achieve, DAO for each such community that is participating makes sense.

There can actually two intersecting types of DAOs, one defined by GIS coordinates and the other by specific planetary boundary/doughnut economic working group/subgroup. One is intra-community and the other is inter-community.

The big picture is to create a global citizen superorganism for rapid system change, based on the most accurate metrics possible, broken down into city-scale. It gamifies system change by turning big global indicators into parameters that are meaningful at community scale. If enough communities reach their unique targets to bend the curve of indicators back to a safe operating space, and if enough cities and communities do this, then we can bend the curve for the entire civilization back to a safe operating space. Effectively, we are chunking the big, vague, meaningless problem into a bite-size, concrete, achievable and meaningful problem that makes sense to citizens of a community.

    : Mindey, Ruta
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