問題: 野生動物的痛苦

Make Anaesthetics Generally Available to Suffering Beings



This could be done through mass-producing cheap and effective anesthetics.


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Mindey @ FE706DAF您能否描述這個問題影響了多少隻動物?

Mindey@FE706DAF Could you describe, how many animals are affected of this problem?

[Tomas @ 9911CE3F],通過快速搜索可以找到以下數字:

>很難計算出地球上野生動物的確切數量,但是[估計值建議](http://reducing-suffering.org/how-many-wild-animals-are-there/)高出幾個數量級比人類和農場動物的總和還要多。對於地球上的每個人類而言,農場中至少有10種動物在遭受痛苦,並且可能有1,000至100,000個野生脊椎動物和可能有100,000,000至1,000,000,000個“蟲子”(包括昆蟲,蜘蛛和earth等生物)。這意味着,即使這些動物平均遭受農場中普通動物所遭受的痛苦超過第1 / 100,000,000至1 / 10,000,000,平均野生動物遭受的痛苦也更大。


[Tomas@9911CE3F], quick search turns up these numbers:

Calculating the exact number of wild animals on earth is difficult, but estimates suggest that it is several orders of magnitude higher than humans and farmed animals combined. For every human on earth, there are at least 10 animals suffering in farms, and likely 1,000 to 100,000 wild vertebrates and plausibly 100,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 “bugs” (including creatures such as insects, spiders and earthworms). This means that even if these animals are on average experiencing more than 1/100,000,000th to 1/10,000,000th the suffering experienced by the average animal in a farm, the absolute amount of wild-animal suffering is greater.

Reference: Wild Animal Suffering Research