library twin project for the post-apocalyptic world


we don't know what the future holds, but we see trends. and we can see probabilities for these trends. knowledge Foundation for people of the future is in danger, what do we keep what do we discard and what do we have?





理念目的: - 收集地球和宇宙中人類生活的所有數字和非數字戒律知識 - 數字化未數字化,取消數字化......雙生創造。 - 使用智能系統思維和技術對樹木進行分類和創建。


因爲 6 年後,人們將專注於自己的個人生存。讓我們現在爲這個未來建立 Foundation,以免爲時已晚。併爲個人提供找到回去的路的工具。通過知識我猜這裏

Now right before the end of the world as we know it, knowledge of all kinds of spreading, right wrong facts misfacts... Also this is last generation to transport the essentials. Much has been lost, perhaps needed so.

But some knowledge preservation for the future is needed.

Survival skills, environmental living (harvesting water, creating soil etc)

Idea purposes: -collect all digital and non digital precepts knowledge for human life in earth and cosmos - digitise the undigitised, undegitise the digitised... Twin creation. - use of smart systems thinking and technology to well categorise and create the trees.

That's it. Would only be valuable for a community setup.

Because after 6 years people will be focused on their own individual survival. Let's build Foundation now for this future before it's too late. And give individuals the tools to find their way back. Through knowledge I guess here


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我假設那個時候技術被燒燬,只有我們擁有的技術纔是我們思想和身體中的技術,無論是原生的、後天獲得的還是開發的。 無論是電子磁性大氣機械聲波以太圖形句法等...

I assume that those times technology is burned, and only technology we have is the technology we have in our minds and bodies, whether native, acquired, or developed. Whether electronic magnetic atmospheric mechanical sonoric etheric graphic syntactic etc...

嘿,[Bassxn2],謝謝你的想法~我們已經在做(後世界末日世界的圖書館):) 但是,這個想法有很多問題:

  • 想法不是問題,但您的副標題提出問題而不是給出答案。如果你在問一個問題,你應該把它寫在“問題”下,而不是“想法”下。 [not-an-idea], [marked-for-moving-to-issues]
  • 它的存在是衆所周知的,“基金會”的概念已經漂浮和討論了數千年,它的術語是——“[rosetta]( /羅塞塔石碑)”

我的印象是,你剛剛看到我們在這裏做什麼,你可能也看到了 Apple TV 系列“基金會”,然後,意識到(確定)我們在 0 > oo(我已經描述過)做什麼此處此處和[此處] (,早在 2005 年)。這些倡議可以追溯到稱爲“Rosetta”的術語,可以追溯到古埃及。我們今天使用自動分類並不是什麼新鮮事,因爲它正在成爲默認的事情。所以,我認爲有必要把這個話題轉移到問題上,而不是想法上。


” 理念目的:

  • 收集地球和宇宙中人類生活的所有數字和非數字戒律知識
  • 數字化未數字化,取消數字化...
  • 雙胞胎創造:
    • 使用智能系統思維和技術對樹木進行分類和創建。 ”


是的,我剛剛將其添加爲在 Infinity 上自動分類內容的任務。

Hey, [Bassxn2], thanks for the idea~ We're already doing it (library for post-apocalyptic world) :) However, there's a number of problems with this idea:

  • Ideas are not questions, but your subtitle asks a question instead of giving answer. If you're asking a question, you should write it under the "Issues" not the "ideas". [not-an-idea], [marked-for-moving-to-issues]
  • It is widely known to exist, the idea of "Foundation" has been floating and discussed for millenia, and the term for it is -- "rosetta"

My impression is, that you just saw what we're doing here, and you probably also saw the Apple TV series "Foundation", and then, realized (identified) what we're doing at 0 > oo (which I've described here, and here, and here, back in 2005 year). The initiatives span back to the term called "Rosetta", back to ancient Egypt. That we use automatic categorization today is not really something new, because it's becoming a default thing to. So, I see a need to make move this topic to issues rather than ideas.

That said, the idea part:

" Idea purposes:

  • collect all digital and non digital precepts knowledge for human life in earth and cosmos
  • digitise the undigitised, undegitise the digitised...
  • Twin creation:
    • use of smart systems thinking and technology to well categorise and create the trees. "

So, you're proposing an application of auto-categorization to civilization knowledge?

Yes for that, I've just added that as a task to auto-categorize content on Infinity.