問題: 交通工具:船生活方式






そのために、グルーポン みたいに、大勢の人が一緒に「クルーズ船の造船註文」が出來るオンライン註文Webページを作成するだけで 「豪華な水平の超高層ビル」という船の建築が出來ます、さまざまな場所に行く途中の人生を楽しむような、そのような橫の「超高層ビル」を大量に註文すると、間もなく、世界の初めての海の都市が出來ます。



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[Inyuki]さん、リンクありがとう。でも、リンクでの aboardtheworld.com は本當にカスタム「ビル」に似ているとは言えない、それで、註文も大勢の人が一緒に出來るとは言えないかも。

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 





好吧,只需使用X-BOW飛船設計視頻)。它有助於解決洶湧的大海。然後,天氣預報在暴風雨天氣中導航。現代船舶往往具有多套船舶穩定器,因此通常不是問題。對於波濤洶湧的大海,總有防暈車眼鏡。 ;)


也許多艘艦船可以聯合起來組成虛構的“ Atlantis”,從而幫助實現“ Oceania”的夢想”。

// Maybe you need to adjust the inner ear semicircular canals first?

Well, just use X-BOW ship design (video). It helps with rough seas. Then, weather forecast to navigate around stormy weather. Modern ships tend to have multiple sets of ship stabilizers, so that it's generally not an issue. For the case of rough seas, there's always anti-motion sickness glasses. ;)

So, I think this generally is not an issue. What may be an issue, is the amount of steel needed, compared to traditional buildings, and the overall cost performance and overall cost-benefit analysis from the perspective of the passengers. For example, it may be useful for people who want to live with friends of diverse nationalities without worrying about visa requirements, but some may worry about the availability of services comparable to those found on land: some may care about the health security, others may worry about the entertainment options. Such ship has to compete with a developed city district, which adds to the cost, and means that the ship needs to be really big to achieve the economies of scale for certain more expensive equipment that city districts enjoy.

Perhaps multiple ships could join to form something like the fictional "Atlantis", helping realize the dream of "Oceania".