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0oo.li YAML 项目 产品

该项目是管理此网站本身的开发的项目。 它是一个根据该项目的背景故事视频)中的愿望来创建的I/O系统,该系统描述了帮助人类共同定义和追求目标的愿望,以及通过这种方式,创造一种友好的人类智能。


  • [3-5年内] 5亿人辞去工作,直接在社会中解决问题,做自己喜欢的事。
  • [7年内] 健康,教育和工作方面的主要挑战通过建议,尝试的创新解决方案得到解决,并且其中一部分得到进一步发展。


  • Mindey I.(数据科学家,项目经理)
  • Ruta D.(营销人员,增长黑客)



朋友 - Foresight Institute (https://foresight.org) - BFI Institute (https://www.bfi.org)



  • Distance to goal of enabling people to:
    • evolve important questions,
    • potentially breakthrough ideas and
    • evolving prototypes in projects:
      • ↑ their quality and quantity.


  • Past
    • 2005-01-22: Birth of Idea at Halfbakery (story: en, ja - motivation description, when in Waseda U).
    • 2014-07-02: v1 started prototype halfmakery.com (stopped: 2014-09-02)
    • 2015-07-08: v2 started prototype infty.xyz (stopped: 2017-06-24)
    • 2015-10-05: founded WeFindX Foundation with Ruta, in Ireland.
    • 2017-07-16: v3 started prototype inf.li (ReactJS) (stopped: 2019-01-15)
    • 2020-02-25: v4 started multi-domain (Django+Plain HTML) prototype (0oo.li, mugen.moe, sumanymai.lt,..)
    • 2020-09-20: Semantic Equation Model (Preprint)
  • Present
    • 2021-11-17: v4 is feature-complete.
  • Future
    • Many things described in the onepager still apply.
    • To resolve 3 key things:
      • Financial freedom by work on many things in public and get credit.
      • Civilization DNA (know-how) extraction, described in invite.
      • Protocol for world to collectively define and pursue goals.
  • Strategy
    • Continued v4 Stewardship
      • Ensuring that current feature-set works well, and more efficiently, securely.
    • Grassroots Communication and Marketing
      • Communication via projects.
      • Inviting ideators.
      • Inviting solicitors for ideas (researchers, think-tanks)
    • Partnerships and Outreach
      • have organizations to represent other sites: U.S., China, Japan, Russia.
    • Development
      • Rewrite the system with high development standards, the v5, as high-performance API-only.
      • Advance blockchain features (perhaps run own OpenDAX)
0.00 USD
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0.00 BTC
0.00 EUR
年度 内部收益率: 58462.5302
最新 净现值@贴现率=0.1: -178.4743 ħ (-69029.33 TWD)
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关于 Infinity 项目,当谈到英文版 Infinity 时,您最喜欢这些领域中的哪一个?



Regarding Infinity project, which of these domains do you like most, when it comes to English version of Infinity?


My little survey :)

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我想知道,如果人们想在 Infinity 上发表评论?可能是评论中缺少线程会阻止对话吗?

例如,Reddit 有线程。 Twitter 虽然看起来是线性的,但也有轻量级的线程。 LessWrong 也有线程......但是,Halfbakery 工作得非常好,没有线程注释。那么,我们真的需要评论线程吗?

I wonder, if people want threading comments on Infinity? Could it be that lack of threading in comments is preventing conversations?

For example, Reddit has threading. Twitter, while looks linear, has light threading too. LessWrong has threading as well... However, Halfbakery works perfectly fine without threading comments. So, do we really need comments threading?

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I think I'd like to add notifications for targets, because targets are like "I want to do this next", and they are worthy knowing about. However, they should optional or come in the comments channel instead of the main channel, because wants are less substantial and actionable than results: results can be reviewed by others, so they are more worthy of main channel attention.

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好的,所以正确的活动页面是: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/infinity-project-updates-gathering-tickets-312778227097

Alright, so the correct event page is: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/infinity-project-updates-gathering-tickets-312778227097

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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Oh, really! Let me make it public as soon as I'm home.

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That link is private it doesn't work for me.

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好吧,让我们试试,这是我刚刚创建的一个活动的链接: https://www.eventbrite.com/preview?eid=312778227097/


Well, let's try, here's a link to an event I've just created: https://www.eventbrite.com/preview?eid=312778227097/

What do you think? Should we have a different date/time?

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是的,明迪! Eventbrite 最擅长提醒。拥有一个活动页面来注册也可以很容易地邀请其他人。

替代方案可能是我们举办虚拟未来学家聚会的聚会个人资料!如果有很多人加入,使用 Zoom 可以很容易地将人们带入分组会议室,以便在 2-3 人之间进行更舒适的共享。

Yes, Mindey! Eventbrite is the best at reminders. Having an event page to register also makes it easy to invite others.

Alternative could be a Meetup profile where we host virtual futurists meetups! In cases if many people would join, with Zoom it's easy to bring people into breakout rooms for cozier sharing between 2-3 people.

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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我们应该为此发出某种 eventbrite 邀请吗?他们擅长提醒订阅者:)

I think we should do it! It's a great thing to do, and I'm sure we'd have what to share.

Should we have some kind of eventbrite invitation for this? They are good at reminding subscribers :)

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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在过去的一个月里,我们在 ogiziu 和 Instinto Creador 项目之间使用 [malü] 的这种方法,它帮助我们真正地共同进化!

我们通常会在视频通话中连接 1 小时,然后我们每个人都会分享:



3) 任何障碍或挑战。


I wonder, if people would like to restart oo community calls? terms: all participants would share progress about their projects :)

such method we use with [malü] between ogiziu and Instinto Creador projects for the past month, and it helped us truly to evolve together!

we typically connect for 1 hour on a video call and each of us share:

1) what each of us did last week,

2) what each of us will do next,

3) any obsctales or challenges.

anyone would like to connect in oo community calls this way?

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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我的印象是,Infinity 需要至少 3 种社区的专业知识:

  1. Foresight.org、BFI.org、metaculus.com 的“问题/谜题”部分,
  2. Halfbakery.com 的“创意”部分,
  3. Pioneer.app、IndieHackers.com 的“项目”部分。


I have an impression, that Infinity requires the expertise of at least 3 kind of communities:

  1. Foresight.org, BFI.org, metaculus.com for the "Issues/Puzzles" part,
  2. Halfbakery.com for the "Ideas" part,
  3. Pioneer.app, IndieHackers.com for the "Projects" part.

There is more, like the products part, but at this time, taking the cultures of community focusing the first 3 things would be most beneficial, I think.

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同意对于作为一个系统的 oo 来说“运动”是多么重要。


对我来说,一个有趣的 oo 系统价值衡量标准是:Link-Building,即网络的活跃程度?成员对彼此的帖子发表评论和协作的频率如何?会员帖子之间的联系越多样化,引发的创意思想就越多样化,系统上的内容质量越高,对系统的保留越多,参与度越高,推荐越多。

总体而言,我看到 oo 系统的健康状况——彼此之间的联系和关系激发了每个人的创造性思维。

顺便说一句 - 改进对特定评论的回复很有用!

Agree how important is to be "in motion" for the oo as a system.

Hmm, I'm not sure about "ideas in motion", because how often people work on somebody else's ideas? People need incentives to do that. More often people work on their own ideas, or just projects, where ideas unfold later in the experimentation process.

To me, an interesting measure of value of the oo system would be: Link-Building, i.e. how active the network is? How often members comment and collaborate on each other's posts? The more diverse links between members posts, the more diverse creative thoughts sparked, the more quality content on the system, the more retention to the system, the more engagement, the more referrals.

Overall, I see the health of the oo system being - links and relationships between each others that spark creative thoughts for everyone.

Btw - improved replies to specific comments are useful!

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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我认为,我们系统的主要 KPI 是“想法”和“动态想法”,其中“动态” - 意味着它们正在积极工作(例如,定期更新)。


Thinking of the major KPI for our system, I think, is the "ideas" and "ideas in motion", where "in motion" - means, that they are actively being worked (e.g., has periodic updates).

Btw., you can reply to comments and ledger events directly, so it is possible to form specific threads and respond to works, etc.

    :  -- 
    : Ruta
    :  -- 

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  • [日本] https://dynalist.io/d/iIT_nuAiAMx9JxctYclliF43

Note: Contacts of innovator communities:

  • [Japan] https://dynalist.io/d/iIT_nuAiAMx9JxctYclliF43
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好吧。我添加了路径:/invitation/hi 作为公开邀请的地方(例如,点击 0oo.li/hi 0oo.li/invitation 导致公开邀请。)

Alright. I've added paths: /invitation and /hi to serve as place for public invites (so, for example, clicking on 0oo.li/hi or 0oo.li/invitation leads to the public invite.)

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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邀请链接中的文本在使用邀请后不会消失,因此它们仍然可以访问,并且任何旧的邀请链接仍然可读,或者您的意思是我们需要一个更好的 URL,例如 0oo.li/public-letter 或某物?

The text inside the invite links does not disappear after the invite is used, so they remain accessible, and any old invite link is still readable, or do you mean we need a nicer URL for it, like 0oo.li/public-letter or something?

    : Ruta
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谢谢!哦,我的意思是 - 可以在网站上更轻松地访问邀请页面文本并与人们共享吗?

Thanks! Oh and I meant - can invite page text be accessed easier on the website and shared with people?

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最古老的是 here,但是,有 ( paper)(关于方程模型),它取代了该设计。

The oldest one is here, however, there's the (paper) (on the equation model), which supersedes that design.

    : Ruta
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0oo的白皮书在哪里?我想与朋友分享(但没有邀请,只是文本阅读)。在网站页脚和 0oo 项目描述中查看白皮书链接会很有用:)

Where is the Whitepaper of 0oo? I'd like to share it with a friend (but without an invite, just text to read). It would be useful to see Whitepaper linked in the footer of the website and in the 0oo project description :)

    :  -- 
    : Ruta
    :  -- 

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I got it. This may be useful. What about using "Hide from Public" checkbox in the results to use as drafts? Selecting this allows to hide it from everyone who are not in the "members" of the project (but it will still get a notification in project channel). I'll consider adding this feature in next iteration.

The way I'm doing it, is that I list the items that I have completed by editing a target, just adding bullet points in it, and then, writing an update as a result with more details.

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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feedback request:

I'd like to be able to add "drafts" to "results". because I love lifelogging my tasks in my project pages when they happen. with drafts, I could improve my result declarations - I could find time to record a report on each result later, and turn a draft into a public result declaration later.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 

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"Let Everything Exist" philosophy should be linked to 0oo project :)

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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  • 内容
  • 社区
  • 设计
  • 供应商
  • 会计



那么,这在 0oo 上会是什么样子呢?好吧,我想,可以在项目设置的“业务详细信息”部分下提供初始树管理,使用 markdown-syntax 来描述一棵树(例如,HiveCell project/236/?l=en&s=t) 可能有一个物理部分的树(点击它下面的“业务详细信息”),以及负责每个部分的团队,以及 0oo 可能有微服务和团队作为部件负责它们,等等。),我们可以稍后对其进行解析,并将其用作项目结果和操作的分类选项。


People decompose and run projects. So, every project is made up of some components. For an arbitrary example, such "parts" could be:

  • Content
  • Community
  • Designs
  • Suppliers
  • Accounting

These are random categories, but imagine that some project somewhere in the world has teams of people dedicated to take care that these particular components, so that they function reliably. I think that reliably working components are the essence of scalable value to society.

Each different project will usually have very different set of such said "parts" to function and evolve, and if we want to create some new product through a cooperation of a lot of various people, we need to have a way to organize the graph of parts and involvement, so as to be able to credit everyone correctly, and strategize transparently.

So, how this may look like on 0oo? Well, I suppose, initial tree management could be provided under the "Business Details" section in the project settings, using markdown-syntax to describe a tree (for example, HiveCell may have a tree of physical parts (click "Business Details" under it), and teams responsible for each, and 0oo may have microservices and teams responsible for them as parts, and so on.), which we could later parse, and use as classification options for project results and operations.

In summary, the decompositions is something to think about, when thinking of any project. For now, there's just this basic way of doing them using "Business Details" section of project. I'll think how to elaborate on it later on.

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// “分销”表示将商品零售分销到超市。这种类型的意图是什么?


[Ruta], yeah "Making" makes more sense, so renamed it to "Making" ;)

// "Distribution" suggests retail distribution of goods into supermarkets. what's the intention of that type?

It's intended for anything that's mean to be scaled -- for example, distribution "content distribution" focused project would possibly want to scale the impact of an art, or "product distribution" would be focused on delivering the made products at scale.

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RE 类型:

[Mindey],我喜欢作为一种类型的制造,比制造更全面(这意味着大工厂制造,这与艺术的制作方式相去甚远)。嗯,Distribution 建议将商品零售分配到超市。这种类型的意图是什么?也许可以创建一个更全面的:)

RE types:

[Mindey], I like Making as a type, way more comprehensive than Manufacturing (which suggests big factory manufacturing, which is so far away of how art is made). hmm, Distribution suggests retail distribution of goods into supermarkets. what's the intention of that type? perhaps a more comprehensive one could be created :)

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 

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it would be useful somehow organise related Puzzles with potential parents and children, to make it easier to navigate related topics!

it would be useful somehow organise related Puzzles with potential parents and children, to make it easier to navigate related topics!

    : bobi.rakova
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// 我想添加一个艺术项目,它的目的是社会影响,所以也许是“社会”类型

通常,具有社会影响力的艺术是一种感知的制造(~=制造)和营销(~=分发)。 :) 我认为,如果一个艺术项目是关于制作一件新的艺术作品,可以通过将“制造”类别重命名为“制作”来概括。然后,艺术属于“制作”如果一件艺术品被广泛传播(如通过推文)以达到社会影响,它甚至可以归入“分发”类别。

// I want to add an art project, it's purpose is societal impact, so perhaps a Type "Society"

Usually, art for social impact is a kind of making (~= manufacturing) and marketing (~=distribution) of perceptions. :) I think, if an art project is about making a new art piece, it could be generalized by renaming the "Manufacturing" category into "Making". Then, Art kind of falls under "Making" If a piece of art is widely distributed (like via a Tweet) to reach social impact, it can even fall under "Distributing" category.

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缺少添加项目时的类型。如果我想添加一个艺术项目,它的目的是社会影响,那么也许是“社会”类型?与社区项目一样,它们现在不适合当前类型:) 也许“社会”或“社会影响”会同时涵盖艺术和社区项目?

Type when adding Projects is missing. If I want to add an art project, it's purpose is societal impact, so perhaps a Type "Society"? Same with community projects, they don't fit into current types now :) Perhaps "Society" or "Social Impact" would cover both - art and community - projects?

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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// 是否有可能让其他组织可以在 Ooo 之上建立基于会员的网站

是的,[Ruta],其实很可能把一个类别变成一个域,就像medium.com已经是域,允许用户设置他们的域,但是共享单个数据库。我仍在考虑实施社区功能的最佳初始方式,并考虑一下。 :)

// Would it be possible to make it so, that other organisations could set up membership-based websites on top of Ooo

Yeah, [Ruta], in fact it is very possible to make a category into a domain, like medium.com has been domain, allowing users to set their domain, however, sharing single database. I'm still considering best initial way to implement communities functionality, and think about it. :)

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 

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// 创建“oo”社区功能

你好!我对这个很好奇。是否有可能让其他组织可以在 Ooo 之上建立基于会员的网站,并每月向 0oo 缴纳税款(根据他们的会员收入)以提供此类基础设施?什么是可定制的?是否可以使这些视图 - 主页、用户配置文件、项目页面 - 是可定制的?

作为 KOKONO,我会对此感兴趣。此外,如果提供了关于如何定制设计的明确文档(即使对于设计/开发同事),我相信许多促进在线学习和在线社区的微型组织也会对此感兴趣。目前,使用了 Discord、WordPress、Kajabi、Circle 等工具。

// create "oo" communities functionality

Hello! I'm curious about this. Would it be possible to make it so, that other organisations could set up membership-based websites on top of Ooo and pay a monthly tax (based on their revenue from memberships) to 0oo for providing such infrastructure? What would be customisable? Could it be made so, that these views - Homepage, User Profiles, Project page - are customisable?

I'd be interested in this as KOKONO. Also, if clear documentation provided on how to customise the design (even for design/development colleagues), I believe many micro organisations who facilitate online learning and online communities would be interested in this too. At the moment, tools like Discord, WordPress, Kajabi, Circle, ... are used.

    : Mindey
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市场上的评论顺序颠倒了,但让我们看看。这很容易做到,我认为最好是按用户自定义。 ;)非常期待UI / UX的发展,因此,您可以启动此类主题,只需选中“基本管理”框即可;)

Comment order is reversed in the market, but let's see. It can easily be done, and I think best to be per-user customizable. ;) Very much looking forward to evolving the UI/UX, so, you can start such topic, just tick the "Base Administration" box ;)

    : Mindey, kriz, Ruta
    :  -- 
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让我们请颠倒注释顺序=)以首先查看最新的。同样,[+ comment]按钮最好位于顶部。我想启动一个有关0oo UI升级的项目。

Let us please reverse the comments order =) to see the latest first. Also [+comment] button better be on top. I want to start a project about 0oo UI upgrade.

    : Mindey, Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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1.项目(如积压工作)的愿望清单,人们可以在其中写自己想做的事情。挑战功能非常适合冲刺和问题,但不适用于写出我们计划要做的事情或我们希望做的功能。这可以通过已经存在的“结果”模型来实现,只需添加额外的属性即可。 2.主题的自定义URL(因此我们可以为项目提供唯一的URL,包括用户名下的用户个人资料)。 3.区域站点之间的多主PostgreSQL同步,用户可以自行选择共享给其他节点的内容。

I kinda wish to have:

  1. Wishlists for projects (that work like backlogs), where people could write the things they'd like to do. Challenges feature is great for sprints and questions, but not that well for writing out things that we're planning to do, or features that we wish to do. That could be realized via "Results" model that already exists, just adding extra property.
  2. Custom URLs for topics (so we could give unique URLs to items, including user profiles under username).
  3. Multi-master PostgreSQL synchronization between regional sites, with user's own choice what to share to other nodes.

    : kriz
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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N次测试首页:0oo的首页目前仅以一种方式出现,但是,通过更改顶部类别,例如[0oo.li/?cat=971](https://0oo.li/?cat= 971),它的显示方式可能会完全不同。因此,实际上,如果我们对访问者有更多了解,例如他们输入了什么搜索引擎关键字,我们可以在第一次访问时显示不同的主题版本0oo。而且,在所有这些类别可以像在不同的Reddit网站上一样工作之后,除了它实际上会在每个更广泛的主题领域中显示重要的问题,想法和项目(公司)……这很容易-只需传递类别ID ,例如Cyberspace:[0oo.li/?cat=1366](https://0oo.li/?cat=1366)。

N-way testing of the homepage: the homepage of 0oo is currently appearing just one way, however, by changing the top category, like 0oo.li/?cat=971, it can appear completely differently. So, in actuality, if we knew a little bit more about the person visiting, like what search engine keyword they had entered, we could display a different topic version of 0oo on the first visit. And, after all those categories can work a bit like different reddit sites, except, it would actually display the important questions, ideas and projects(companies) in each broader subject domain... and that is so easy -- just passing category ID, e.g., Cyberspace: 0oo.li/?cat=1366.

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我们可以进行仅markdown导出,甚至-[Syncthing上的实时.md副本-这样,任何人都可以在Markdown编辑器(如Obsidian.md)上打开整个0oo内容作为知识图。 。我的意思是,作为数据导出的功能,我们可以很容易地生成 像这样



We could make markdown-only export, or even -- live .md copies on Syncthing -- so that anyone could open entire 0oo content as a knowledge graph on Markdown editors like Obsidian.md. I mean, we could generate something like this quite easily, as a feature of data export.

I was also thinking the other day, about having the content of 0oo live as GitHub repository pages first, not on a single repository, but on repositories of many people (the authors of topics) (so someone like [chronological], who likes to keep his ideas on his own GitHub repo, could edit it there).

One special thing here, we have multi-lingual markdown pages, that have special extra syntax, allowing to combine versions of multiple languages into a single page.

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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So, I think it would be good to add voice versions of topics and comments, so that someone could simply play entire 0oo stream. The mp3 files could be easily generated with GoogleTTS API, like an audio book. Considering that voice is quite popular, some people may want to listen the conversations here. It's fun that this would have to be done to the versions in all languages.

Additionally, we could add Speech-To-Text (like with otter.ai), so that someone could simply record a comment, and have it transcribed and translated to other languages, generating other language speech versions automatically.

    : transiency, Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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[justinmiyamoto],您的结果似乎不公开或不正确。我所看到的是this。我想,您的结果是关于UI设计或改进的?尝试使Google Drive链接公开可见。

[justinmiyamoto], your result appears to be either not public, or incorrect. What I'm seeing is this. I suppose, your result is about a UI design or improvements? Try making google drive link publicly visible.

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我不得不提到,0oo作为HomeBase的工作方式受到了我最喜欢的游戏“ X-COM:UFO Enemy Unknown ”的启发,其中人类必须管理基地以保护地球免受外来入侵与资源管理。因此,这就是每个项目都有“位置”(单击“ + [传输]”旁边的图像)以及我的旧想法“ 目标跟踪和资源管理”的原因数据库。 :)无论如何,实际上确实有很多东西启发了它。如果我们意识到,这个想法可能真的像是经济X-COM,那么这种乐趣实际上可能会真正开始。

I've got to mention, that the way 0oo works as a HomeBase, is a bit inspired by my favorite game, called "X-COM: UFO Enemy Unknown", where humans have to manage bases to defend Earth from Alien Invasion with management of resources. So, that's why each project has "Locations" (click image next to "+[Transfer]"), and my old idea of "Goal tracking and resource management" database. :) Anyway, there were really many things in fact, that inspired it. That fun could actually start in real, if we realize this idea that could be like an economic X-COM for good.

    : justinmiyamoto
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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A feature to mark solved or archived Challenges would be useful. I don't like deleting because it's valuable to see that there was a Challenge and now it's solved or not relevant anymore.

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Some comments, those that are responses to challenges, may appear in different color, and be showable under those challenges, cause that part works a bit like quora? I think, we should also make an option then for the resolved issues to disappear from the home page.

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

Mindey, 💤
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只需让用户设置项目的网址名称,以便项目,想法等可以注册其句柄,例如如果注册了mutantu句柄,则 0oo.li / project / 1011 可以映射到 0oo.li / project / mutantu

Just let users set their project's url name, so that projects, ideas, etc. could register their handles, e.g. the 0oo.li/project/1011 could map to 0oo.li/project/mutantu if mutantu handle is registered.

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-链接目标和想法 -项目进度



也许它可以从通用问题“ 0oo在线聚会”开始,其中0oo用户在想在一起通话时发表评论。

Love that. Having online meetups for:

  • Linking Goals and Ideas
  • Projects Progress

would be useful and help people find collaborators and get into feedback loop to move projects forward.

Instead of a Calendar, it would be cool to have a button somewhere that people click to announce about willingness to connect on Zoom.

Maybe it can start as a generic Question "Online Meetups for 0oo" where 0oo users comment when they want to come together on a call.

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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没错,这很有意义,通常是通过某些定时的在线活动来完成,而通过结合使用Zoom + Google日历会很容易。但是,我认为如果人数太少可能会不好玩。例如,如果只出现3个人:)如果说有8个人左右开始,那会更好玩,所以,我想,为将来做计划。好的方向。

另外,我想有多种会议: -(针对目标和想法)对它们进行排序和投票,帮助发现新的链接(相关作品)并进行自由交谈 -(对于项目)有些人可能想像创业公司一样定期了解他们的项目进度,并互相咨询。


Right, that makes sense, it's usually done through certain timed online activities, that would be easy by combining Zoom + Google calendar. However, I'd think it might be not fun if the number of people is too small. E.g., if just 3 people show up :) It would be more fun if there were say 8 people or so to start with, so, I'd think, well, plan it for the future. Good direction though.

In addition, I imagine there are different kinds of meetings: - (for goals & ideas) sorting and voting on them, helping discover new links (related works), and free talking - (for projects) there are people who might want to catch up periodically about their project progress, almost like startups, and consult each others.

One of the shortcomings of the Airtable-based calendars is that they do not show the details of the event, only name, when added to calendars, so I don't know how many people actually subscribed to them.

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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Idea for feature request:

  • Invite friends for 1 hour real-time Infinity Challenge during which everyone posts interesting Questions/Ideas and comments to each other's posts on 0oo.li.

Having a time limit focuses everyone to think creatively and creates a bond between strangers fast.

I used to moderate live twitter chats for hundreds of strangers. Worked great!

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关于喜欢/不喜欢的评论,我们是否希望能够看到谁喜欢/不喜欢? :)我认为是的,因为人们很想知道谁在阅读它们,而没有明确的答复。


Regarding comment likes/dislikes, do we want to be able to see, who liked/disliked? :) I think yes, because people care to know who read them, without explicit replies.

Or, better, make read-receipts, so that anyone can optionally just add a "tick", to indicate they had read, leaving the likes to be for evaluation rather than read-receipt indication.

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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//顶部是“ Dream = World(Actions)”。.//

是的,视觉效果不错!完全有道理。这是一个要做的事。 ;)

// "Dream=World(Actions)" at the top.. //

Yeah, and good visually! Totally makes sense. It's a to-do. ;)

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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我添加了一个挑战:主页如何鼓励新用户查看平台的用途? (来自6个人的反馈使他们感到超负荷)。对于新手来说,Dream = World(Actions)或Y = F(X)怎么会更明显?

建议:在主页上,添加“ Dream = World(Actions)”,而不是“ FEEDS”(最近7天创建的项目以粗体显示)。交流平台的目的。 查看这张照片代表我的意思

I added a challenge: How can homepage encourage new users to see what the platform is for? (Feedback from 6 people about them feeling overloaded). How can Dream=World(Actions) aka Y=F(X) be more obvious for newbies?

Suggestion: On homepage, add "Dream=World(Actions)" instead of "FEEDS Items created in last 7 days are in bold." to communicate the purpose of the platform. See this photo of what I mean

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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很高兴看到喜欢评论功能!我想知道,将“-”转换为“?”是否有意义?这样,“ +”表示同意,“?”表示要求澄清评论。这样,它更具建设性,并鼓励评论员继续讨论,而不是不同意结束讨论。

Great to see likes on comments feature realised! I wonder, does it make sense to transform "-" into "?". This way "+" means agreement and "?" means a request to clarify a comment. This way it's more constructive and encourages commentators to continue discussion rather than disagreeing which ends the discussion.

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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// Weirdo创意未来主义梦想家如何参加这些活动?

好吧,事件显然需要日历链接,我们可以在日历链接旁边显示它们。 :)

// How do Weirdo Creative Futurist Dreamers come and join those events?

Well, events obviously need calendar links, that we could display alongside them. :)

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Great, love it! So how do Weirdo Creative Futurist Dreamers come and join those events?

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:)我认为,关于事件,我们有一个发生事件的地方:) [https://0oo.li/events](https://0oo.li/events)。我在想,我们可以使用它。救生艇基金会使用其“最新消息”([https://lifeboat.com/ex/whats.new](https://lifeboat.com/ex/whats.new)我们也可以这样做,然后将这些事件与“问题/想法/项目”联系起来,读者可能会发现参与其中很有趣。自动关联,如果是关于艺术的,则可以连接艺术探索会议,等等。

:) I thought, regarding events, we have a place for events :) https://0oo.li/events . I'm thinking, we could use it. The Lifeboat Foundation uses its "what's new" "( https://lifeboat.com/ex/whats.new ), where they share various news they find and relevant to their audience. We could do too. Then link those events with Questions / Ideas / Projects, the readers of which may find it interesting to participate in them. E.g., if we have a topic on Finance, finance discussion events may be auto-linked, if it is something about art, then art exploration meetings could be connected, etc.

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当然,这是有关其结构的位置和一般性的不可思议的事情之一-培养真正的跨学科思想。 :)这可能是一个真正独特的好处:我认为0oo的核心必须是“怪异的创意未来主义梦想家”,而其他人则更多是支持者,例如,监管机构/投资者/金融家-会说“哎呀” ”或“继续前进”-通过监管或财务措施,同时保持创新精神不变。

// I suggest to add inter-disciplinary discussion as a benefit here //

Of course, that is one of those magical things about the place and generality of its structure -- it is to cultivate the truly interdisciplinary thought. :) It could be a truly unique benefit: I think the core of 0oo must the "weirdo creative futurist dreamers", and others be more of a supportive periphery, i.e., regulators/investors/financiers -- be the ones who say "ouch" or "go ahead" -- with their regulatory or financial actions, meanwhile leaving the creative spirit to be what it is.

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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// desire to discuss science and engineering publicly //

I suggest to add inter-disciplinary discussion as a benefit here. There are places on-line for scientists to talk.

But where is an open place on the Internet (or in the world) to discuss sciences, arts, design, engineering and business, all together?

It does not exist. So who would disagree that such a diverse mix of thinking would produce unexpected ideas and projects? Great offer for those who like to think and create.

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是的,鲜为人知的大学很少,但是却产生了杰出的才能。人才不是“大学”的功能,而是最终到达那里的特定个人的功能(可能是由于他们的家庭和课外教育, 因为大学)。因此,正如您曾经说过“ 1:1”一样,我宁愿不专注于入职大学,而是关注那些个人。

Thanks for great suggestions towards the tackling the challenge, [Ruta]. All great suggestions, though, I have doubts about one:

// Countries with less resources have more urgency to get involved in a new initiative like 0oo, compared to Western countries and busy cities with too-much-going-on

The scientific research being well-funded in the West doesn't imply that there is no desire to discuss science and engineering publicly. On the contrary...

Yes, there are little known universities, that had nevertheless produced exceptional talent. The talent is not so much a function of "university", but rather, of the specific individuals that end up there (likely due to their family and extracurricular education, not because of the university). So, I'd rather not focus on on-boarding universities, but focus on those individuals, as you once said 1:1.

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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//如何让目标明确的利益相关者组成的愿景者,监管者,发明家,行动者和金融家从世界不同的经济集团来到0oo.li? //



关于“目标群体”,我建议邀请研究可持续发展目标和/或在其任务声明中具有“ 100%的生命”或类似目标的非营利组织在0oo上分享其研究项目,以便他们获得来自人群的意见,还邀请研究人员使用0oo对观点和研究问题进行交叉授粉。

RE challenge:

// How to get goal-aligned interest groups of visionaries, regulators, inventors, doers+financiers to come to 0oo.li from diverse world's economic blocs? //

Structuring community development in stages helps and leaves time for relationship development and enjoying the journey. I suggest to start with the most important group first: visionaries and inventors (so that 0oo is filled with topics to discuss and drive projects from). Then moving to doers+financiers. Lastly, to regulators.

How to discover visionaries? I suggest to contact universities in locations that get less funding for R&D. Students have time to think, research and develop. Countries with less resources have more urgency to get involved in a new initiative like 0oo, compared to Western countries and busy cities with too-much-going-on. Simply sending emails to student unions, R&D programmes, open innovation programmes in universities is doable. Starting with 1 student union.

In terms of "goal-aligned groups", I suggest inviting non-profit organisations that research Sustainable Development Goals and/or have "100% of life" and similar in their mission statements, to share their research projects on 0oo so that they get input from the crowd, also invite researchers to use 0oo for cross-pollination of ideas and research questions.

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Feature request:

  • Adding labels (meta-categories) to all types (Questions, Ideas, Projects) would allow users to see diversity of thinkers and quickly realise how to make a useful comment

  • Meta-categories could be: Science, Economy, Culture, Education, Art, Philosophy, Technology

For example:

  • if a question talks about flying to Mars, this question is labeled as Science

  • if a question talks about improving roads, it's labeled as Economy

  • if it talks about human traditions and rituals, it's labeled as Culture

  • if it talks about making learning more fun, it's labeled as Education

  • if it talks about social norms and creative experiments, it's labeled as Art

  • if it talks about new ways of thinking and mental models, it's labeled as Philosophy

  • if it talks about new technologies, it's labeled as Technology

What other meta-categories would help group everything shared on this website?

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Feature request from [Ruta]:

  • have the "done" option in the tasks mentioned in comments.
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Feature requests:

  • Emoticons in comments

  • Background colour on homepage section "operations" to match a background colour of "results" within a project page

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Amazing to see Challenges feature realised! So useful when asking for help from strangers. I just posted my first Challenge in SAME project.

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我需要一个<3按钮进行评论。是的,[Ruta],这正是我想要添加的功能。 (⇡)

I need a <3 button for comments. Yeah, [Ruta], that's exactly the kind of functionality that I'd love to add. (⇡)

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in near future, it'd be cool to facilitate funding people directly via 0oo platform for the results they declare realising projects.

this is how it could work:

1.Funder discovers whom to fund

a funder prioritises projects by category (arts, sciences, innovation, etc) and chooses a Project to fund


first, a funder browses through all research questions, ideas, projects and discovers an Individual (or a few) that they like and decide to:

  • fund that user directly with a recurring donation

  • form a project with that user with a recurring donation attached to it

2.Funder clicks a button to make a recurring monthly donation of chosen amount to that user or a project

3.User keeps on declaring results to the Project and gets a recurring donation to a wallet that allows to cashout (transfer the money to their online bank or paypal)

this feature would suit perfectly for matching artists/independent researchers with philanthropists/patrons who already provide "residencies", "bursaries", "stipends", "donations" in programs part of universities, research centres, art centres

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因此,正如[Ruta]所指出的,拥有“ 挑战”(例如KPI或项目目标)可以使项目受益,而且我认为,我们还可以拥有“排行榜”在[0oo.li/projects](https://0oo.li/projects/)上查看或排序项目的选项。我同意这将是一件很棒的事情,是的,在项目的待办事项列表中。

So, as [Ruta] has pointed out, projects may benefit from having "Challenges" (like KPIs or targets for projects), and I think, additionally, we could have something of a "Leaderboard" view or sort option for projects at 0oo.li/projects. I agree that this would be great things to add, and yeah, on the to-do list for projects.

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允许用户添加到库的链接将很有用。为什么?因为我们阅读文章,它们引发了想法和问题。类似于Instapaper / Pocket的类似功能,允许将链接添加到一个地方以供以后阅读。

Allowing a user to add a link to Library would be useful. Why? Because we read articles and they spark ideas and questions.

Similar functionality like Instapaper/Pocket, that allow to add a link to one place to read it later.

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A form to declare Results is difficult, this prevents newbie users of sharing results.

Could this be simplified and include only:

  • Project

  • Happened

  • Summary (rename to Result to keep it consistent, i.e. on Project page a button says "Result", so keep it here too)

  • Details

  • Url

  • Hours Spent (merging Costs and Currency, making hour declarations as a default)

  • Author

  • (hiding all other fields until users learn to Declare Results and Hours)

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在项目级别的用户交互至关重要。因为当项目发展时,用户就有动力继续创作。这是一个反馈循环。但是问每个项目是否需要帮助很奇怪。因此,用户最终只能自己完成项目,这很费力。那么该解决方案如何:-“项目”页面中的“挑战”按钮,允许创建者评论其项目当前面临的挑战/需求是什么? -通过这种方式,其他用户(行动者)可以简单地响应挑战并提交结果。这将激发分布在许多不同项目中的所有用户之间的自发合作,并创造协同作用的时刻,在这些时刻,通过一起执行小任务,这些用户将所有项目推向更高的层次。相同的行为可以在相同的水平上重复并形成文化规范,即人们不会被束缚,而是会组织起来互相帮助并解决所有全球性挑战。

User interactions on the project level are essential. Because when a project grows, users are motivated to keep on creating. It's a feedback loop. But it's weird to ask if each project needs help. So users end up working on their project solo, which is slow effort.

So how about this solution:

  • "Challenge" button within a Project page that allows a creator to comment on what are the current challenges/needs for their project?

  • This way other users (doers) can simply respond to Challenge and submit Results.

This would spark spontaneous cooperation between all users spread across many different projects and create a synergy moment, where by doing small tasks, together, these users kickstart all projects to the next level.

The same behaviour can repeat on the same level and shape cultural norms, i.e. instead of being stuck people would organise to help each other and solve all global challenges.

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功能要求:-添加“文化”作为项目类型。 -在合并,重复甚至用户意识到的情况下,用户可以通过单击按钮“存档”(使其变为“无声”帖子,但在主页上不可见)来“存档”问题或想法以前的帖子不再相关。存档的帖子可以在标题中加上“已存档”标签。 -要求思想家“澄清”问题或想法的按钮。 -使将现有的创意添加到现有项目变得更加容易(现在,创意以数字代码的形式添加,有时会产生错误)。 -启用查看问题和想法时编辑内容的“修订”,因为它显示了思想者的思考过程,对于其他用户来说很有趣/很有价值(例如WordPress网站具有此博客功能,Medium可能具有此功能) (也可以用于Blog功能。)-按钮“邀请成员”到项目。 -如果项目是社区/成员项目,则在“项目”下有子项目。

Feature requests:

  • Add "Culture" as a Type for Projects.

  • A way for users to "Archive" a Question or Idea by clicking a button "Archive" (so that it becomes a "silent" post but not visible on Home page), in cases of merging, duplication or even when a user realises that a previous post is not relevant anymore. Archived posts could have a label "archived" in headline or something.

  • A button asking a thinker to "Clarify" a Question or Idea.

  • Make adding existing Ideas to existing Projects easier (now, Ideas are added as number-codes, which sometimes creates an error).

  • Enable seeing "Revisions" of what was edited when updating a Question and Ideas, because it shows a thought process of a thinker and is interesting/valuable to see for other users (e.g. WordPress websites have this function for blogging, Medium might have this function for blogging too..)

  • A button "Invite a Member" to a Project.

  • Have sub-projects under Project, in cases if a project is a community/membership project.

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Feature requests:

  • Scroll to Top button/icon on mobile

  • Selecting existing Project for existing Idea

Ruta, 💤
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Feature request:

  • On homepage, show sub-questions under the main question. For a user like me, posting a sub-question helps clarify thinking and now on homepage, each question comes up on a separate line. But for a reader, sub-questions can be not clear or seem duplicate, if they dont see hierarchy straight away (on homepage).
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功能要求:-在“注释”框下显示“ Todo”,“问题”,“想法”等。现在,只有当我分享我的评论并且稍后单击“编辑”时,这些选项才可见。许多用户不知道这些选项可用,因为很少有人单击“编辑”。

Feature request:

  • Show "Todo", "Question", "Idea" and so on under a Comment box. Now, these options are visible only if I share my comment and later I click EDIT. Many users won't know that these options are available because few click "edit".
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Feature Request:

  • Clicking on a username within comments should open a Telegram of that user, so that I can message them privately and ask to clarify a comment.

Now, I click on a username and end up on their profile page, I click on "Start chatting" and end up here https://io.0oo.li/direct/username, so I send a message, but a user is not online, while a user may be online on Telegram, which would spark a clarification of a comment straight away

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[Ruta],知道了:)将其添加到工作队列中。 ^ __ ^很有道理。 7HUR = 70 USD-是的,差不多。汇率以[/rate](https://0oo.li/rate)每小时计算一次。

[Ruta], got it :) Will add that into work queue. ^__^ Makes a lot of sense. 7HUR = 70 USD -- yes, almost. The exchange rates are computed hourly, at /rate.

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Feature request:

  • Add Markdown basics to s text box, so that user like me learns to write clearly on 0oo (writing bullets was confusing before I asked you how to do it here)
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Last feature request:

  • showing the latest comments within a project page on top, not bottom. because each project page becomes a very long page to scroll even with a few comments, which creates a waiting time for a user who wants to read the latest and comment
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还有一项功能要求或说明:-用户声明小时数时,为什么余额也将这些小时数显示为美元?例如7HUR = 70 USD?我宁愿只声明自己选择的小时数或欧元,然后比较准确。

One more feature request or clarification:

  • when a user declares hours, why balance shows those hours as dollars too? like 7HUR = 70 USD? I'd rather declare only hours or euros of my choice then which would be more accurate.
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//要欣赏,喜欢,同意,不同意评论的表情符号// @user或[user]或其他哈哈。说得通。将添加这些。当然,并非总是需要响应,可能只想添加<3或ThumbsUp。

// emoticon to appreciate, like, agree, disagree with a comment // @user or [user] or smth else

Haha. Makes sense. Will add these. Definitely, not always one needs to respond, one may just want to add a <3 or ThumbsUp.

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Feature requests:

  • a symbol or emoticon to appreciate, like, agree, disagree with a comment without a need to respond to it via text comment

  • a symbol to mention a user, like @user or [user] or smth else

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The advances in decentralization and clear 0oo database model, makes me think that we could decentralize this system, but it has to be a new effort of its own.

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我认为我们应该与分类帐(项目分类帐)方面的[opencollective.org](https://opencollective.org/)合作,并应该像0oo那样讨论所需的一般性。另外,考虑与[odoo.com](https://odoo.com)进行协作,因为它们可以使公司自己完成几乎所有业务运营,并且运行Odoo的公司可以轻松地将其部分数据从ERP发布到0oo对于公众。 (我们应该为所有ERP为此编写一个odoo模块。)

I think we should partner with opencollective.org on the ledger (projects ledger) side, and should discuss about desired generality, as we have on 0oo. Also, consider collaboration with odoo.com, as they provide the ability for companies do nearly all business operations by themselves, and companies running Odoo could easily publish parts of their data from ERP to 0oo for public. (We should write an odoo modules for that, for all ERPs.)

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我认为登录用户需要一个阅读器,该阅读器将允许阅读外部资源,并选择要导入到0oo的内容。例如,像/ reader / ideas这样的视图可以让我们像Halfbakery的读者一样使用0oo.li,并带有特殊按钮来导入我们喜欢的想法。同样,/ reader / projects可以让我们浏览和阅读公司等。



I think logged in users need a reader, that would allow to read external sources, and choose what to import to 0oo. For example, the view like /reader/ideas could let us use 0oo.li like a reader of Halfbakery, with special button, to import the ideas that we like. Similarly, /reader/projects may let us browse and read companies, etc.

This would allow the users of 0oo.li to work like researchers, browsing external questions, ideas, projects, and importing the gems for discussion and work here.

It's almost like our community would have a data-lake of external data sources, and be able to import things worth paying attention to for our community.

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I think, we should operate as a global and free public service, because this type of site, like Wikipedia, serves like a basic infrastructure for public politics, innovation and work. While usually public services are limited to specific countries, they, like the payment processor services, can also be engineered to support multiple jurisdictions simultaneously...

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使OpenERP具有REST API,并使公司列为0oo.li/projects,并使其自动在0oo.li/products上列出其产品?

Make OpenERP have REST APIs, and get companies listed as 0oo.li/projects and get them automatically list their products on 0oo.li/products ?

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Current questions for 0oo front end:

  • How can UI work as an ice-breaker and encourage people to post humourous responses?

  • What types of ideas there are? So that diverse people feel welcomed to share their idea on 0oo.

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Thinking, of double strategy: business that funds decentralization encryption of user data from being able to see itself, and funds decentralization and dis-own-ment of its services.

Why? Because it's the amount of funds needed for development of the decenralized solution is large enough, that can only be funded as part of the business operations.

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关于时间银行业务的一些想法:_“金钱将被定义为“无偿工作时间”-对一个人的公共债务,这是通过授予他们购买其他项目的结果的权利来覆盖的……” _



Kelios mintys dėl laiko bankininkystės: "Pinigai tuomet apsibrėžtų kaip "nekompensuotos valandos" -- visuomenės skola žmogui, kurią ji padengia duodama teises už jas nusipirkti kitų projektų rezultatų..."


Kas svarbu, tai, kad tokiu atveju žmonės galėtų vertę turinčių (atsekamų darbų rezultatų) pinigų pasigaminti :)

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Now, I'm thinking, that the /products section of 0oo could work a bit like CraigList, but supporting people's own payment methods, or tokens of approval of payments.

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// 感觉能看到一些思路和信息, 就是看不大明白咋回事咋操作的感觉,




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感觉能看到一些思路和信息, 就是看不大明白咋回事咋操作的感觉,

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Thinking, for the ideas, it would make sense to connect with Ethereum via Metamask, to optionally sign innovations as ERC721 tokens...

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Focusing on equipment and materials... would answer most questions about know-how...

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Yeah, we need open and transparent direct trade and product exchange.

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Thinking -- when importing data about production, to connect actual manufacturers directly with the market, not via distributors, but via Homebase :)

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Thinking -- whenever dealing with currencies on 0oo, it's think of doing so like making friends with the people who issue those currencies. Economies are relationships...

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-IRC Server,为新帖子创建新渠道。

Thinking of the further features:

  • For general user: great value is in the ability to immediately contact many bright minds for feedback to your well-crafted message. We already have some people on Telegram, that we can simply invite to a Zoom meeting, and share about the overall notifications business (namely, that once someone will publish, they will get notified on Telegram, and are invited to provide feedback to the posted item.). So, while we had invited people already to the Telegram channels, they are currently not informed about this mechanics, and what they have to do once they get notification about a new topic on 0oo. We should therefore organize Zoom meetings to start this process.

  • For researchers, is the full database (e.g., SQLite) download (or just equivalently API serializers with downloader).

  • For trading and running business, it's the support for the payments. Thinking of payments, while Stripe is nice, we have to support freedom of using any methods -- from cryptographic currencies to traditionals like banks, PayPal, etc.
  • For general user, perhaps it would be nice to have "one inbox" -- i.e., merging "Categories", "Ideas" and "Projects" into one uniform list of items, that are just labeled, and filterable, without resorting to Elasticsearch.
  • IRC Server, to create new channels for new posts.
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At this point, I think in the exchange section, it would be strategically advantageous to focus on trade of tools and equipment that empowers people to make and scale in markets, because these things are what creates value in societies.

For example, trading of power tools, industrial equipment, like mining equipment, farming tools, medical tools and equipment, laboratory equipment, mass production equipment, chip manufacturing equipment, etc., -- these are the transformers and enablers, that make modern life possible. They are what will eventually help understand the know-how graph.

Trade focus: - industrial equipment and materials, - medical equipment and materials, - lab equipment and materials.

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// 0oo含义:从零到无穷大?

是的,谁说我们应该做[0->∞](https://0oo.li),我们应该做[0-> 1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_to_One)?那些执行0-> 1的人通常无法获得扩展的好处,并保持贫穷。零到无穷意味着要集中精力-既要创建以前不存在的事物,又要对其进行缩放。 :)

// 0oo meaning: from zero to infinity ?

Yeah, who said we should be doing 0 -> 1, if we can do 0 -> ∞? Those who do 0 -> 1, usually don't get the benefit of scaling, and stay poor. Zero-To-Infinity, means a focus -- both to create things that didn't exist before, scaling it. :)

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0oo meaning: from zero to infinity ?

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// 如何使Telegram机器人在无需我浏览器的情况下发布想法,...甚至评论?这肯定会节省我在手机上的时间。.


但是,这意味着创建一个新的Idea就像创建一个新的Telegram频道一样。这可以通过Telegram API完成。但是,这种机器人必须使用电报用户的用户名在Homebase上自动创建新用户,并且在有多个用户名相同的用户时做一些理智的事情,基本上是在Homebase上生成帐户。自动创建组的方法是:




api_id = XXXXXX

// How about making a Telegram bot that posts an Idea, ..., or even a Comment without me going to my browser? It would save me time on mobile for sure..

I think it would make most sense to have a Telegram bot for each Category, Idea, Project, and so that comments posted in them would automatically be synchronized with autogenerated Telegram channel for the topic.

However, that would mean creating a new Idea would have to be like creating a new Telegram channel. This could be done by Telegram API. However, that kind of bot would have to automatically create new users on Homebase, using usernames of Telegram users, and do something sane when there are multiple users with same usernames, basically generate accounts on Homebase. The recipie to automate creation of group is:

from telethon import TelegramClient, events, sync
from telethon import functions
api_id = XXXXXX # Get on https://my.telegram.org
api_hash = 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' # Get on https://my.telegram.org
client = TelegramClient('session_name', api_id, api_hash)
phone = '+ZZZZZZZZZZZZ' # (verify with other live connection)
# Doing stuff:
created_group = client(functions.messages.CreateChatRequest(
        users=['inyuki', 'mindey'],
        title='Intent 5: Creating Deep Connections and Love in Society'
chat_id = created_group.__dict__["chats"][0].__dict__["id"]
invite = client(functions.messages.ExportChatInviteRequest(chat_id))
# client.log_out()

And, I think this would not make sense by default, only perhaps to be customly enabled for certain ideas, when the conversation size reaches some point.

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How about making a Telegram bot that posts an Idea, Project, Category or even a Comment to any of existing Ideas, Projects, Categories without me going to my browser? It would save me time on mobile for sure..

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And here are the tasks planned out for tomorrow, at least from my side :) I feel like I need friends who would like to become administrators.

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Among the todo items, is improving the rendering of the Markdown. Currently line breaking doesn't work as expected, sorry for that. Will fix it. Maybe let me write here github.com/infamily/homebase... Or, better use Dynalist? Actually look at the "Bug report" on the left.

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Appears like a lot of content needs to be cleaned up, or [marked-for-deletion].

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因此,现在,终于2020年,我决定尝试在纯Django的[infinity.family](https://infinity.family)上对其进行重做,而无需任何其他JavaScript。 ^ __ ^让我们看看如何吧〜


Apparently, that single-page application didn't work out very well. Issues are numerous. For one thing -- someone who just wants to share a single page with someone, makes them download a whole app, just to show a single page.

So, now, finally 2020, I have decided to try to rework it in plain Django, right here, on 0oo.li, without any additional JavaScript. ^__^ Let's see how it goes~

Btw., so, I'm still considering, where to put the backlog. Maybe it should be on whatever we use, like, e.g., I use Dynalist. Or, if we use GitHub's issues, it would be nice to put day-summaries here as task results.

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大家好!因此,经过很长一段时间,Infinity有了一个全新的改版版本,并在一个新域[inf.li](https://infty.xyz)上。随时发表评论并提出问题。 :)

Hey, guys! So, after a little long time, Infinity is in a fresh new reworked version, and on a new domain inf.li. Feel free to comment and ask questions. :)

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我花费了{3} :),并期望它将花费另外{{0.5}。

I spent {3} :), and expect it will take another {?0.5}.

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i have edited my comment.

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I think this project is interesting one in there.

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Consulted ourselves {0.2} hours ;) {?0.1} And video: {0.3}: https://mindey.com/shots/0db4b367aef6eb779d3e13135-infty.mp4.

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[aliev], [ruta], long time ;) Are we still getting notifications?

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若要仅在抄袭到我们的电子邮件地址时就能够共享关于盗版的随机电子邮件对话,就需要具有解析能力,其中电子邮件的哪一部分描述了问题,哪些描述了想法,等等。一堆电子邮件转发了,一封电子邮件可能有很多想法,也有很多问题,因此,随机发送电子邮件到idea@infty.xyz-并且infty会自动找出问题所在,想法是什么,等等?如果我们具有此功能,为什么不将网络上的任何信息扔给它,然后让它自动找出来呢? :)(我不是说我们将无法在不久的将来做到这一点,但不是在最近的EST。)

对于人为辅助的交互,我认为这更容易。例如,我在想如何在Wiki中写出我的想法,并用某种语法对其进行标记,例如{:post infty | this is content:},以便我的Wiki使用infty API进行发布对我来说。


[ruta] to be able to share a random e-mail conversation on infty just cc-ing it to our e-mail address would require the ability to parse, which part of e-mail describes problem, which describes idea, etc. within a bunch of e-mails forwarded, and one email may have many ideas, and many problems, so, random e-mail to ideas@infty.xyz - and infty automatically sorts out what is the problem, what is the idea, etc? If we had this capability, why wouldn't we just throw any information from the web at it, and let it automatically figure this out? :) (I don't say we won't be able to do this in the near future, but not in the nearEST.)

As for human-assisted interaction, I think it is easier. E.g., I am thinking, how to write my ideas in my wiki, and just mark them up with some syntax, e.g., {:post it on infty|this is the content:}, so that my wiki would use infty API to post it for me.

So, we could support special tags, that people who write e-mails could use it when they forward e-mails to ideas@infty.xyz, and then, if they are really users of infty, and their e-mail is coming from expected sender, we could create content item(s) based on it.

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([x.ai](https://x.ai/“ https://x.ai/”)的工作方式类似,您只需抄送AI)

[Mindey] [aliev] [george]

Guys, I was thinking how to make it easier for people to share on infty.

People have thoughtful discussions over email. We have time to think about what we want to say over email because we're not forced to respond just like we're over real-time chat. Why not make it easy to add such email conversations to infty by allowing people to cc ideas@infty.xyz ? This way people wouldn't need to leave a space where they have conversations but they could still preserve the knowledge on infty, and share it.

(x.ai works similarly, you just cc an AI)

[Mindey] [aliev] [george]

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One idea from the past by [aliev]: if a comment looks like a milestone, or a task, we should make it possible to convert it into it.

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您是否意识到人们在使用盗版软件时实际上可以保持匿名?对于讨论,我认为这是一件好事。可以注册一个免费的GitHub帐户,并向GitHub注册,一个人只需要一封电子邮件。 [Citizendium](http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/CZ:Why_Citizendium?)曾尝试使用实名政策,但Wikipedia似乎对匿名作者来说还算不错。 ],[aliev]

Did you realize that people can actually stay anonymous while using infty? For discussions, I think this is a good thing. It is possible to register a free GitHub account, and to register with GitHub, a person only needs an e-mail. There had been an attempt on Citizendium to use real-name-policy, but Wikipedia seem to do just fine with anonymous authors... [ruta], [aliev]

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The graph above, currently is not representative of the project as a whole. However, I will try to make it such some time soon. The problem with evaluating the vaue of the Infinity project, is that it has the potential to affect diverse fields. We're talking millions of startup companies to be created via Infinity project.

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  • 会员费




Btw., regarding the possible ways for getting return on investment into Infinity:

  • projects' equity
  • github model (e.g., pay for non-public space for projects, but I would like it be free space for non-commercial projects, like TeamViewer does if that is the case)
  • membership fees
  • pay-per-action (e.g., posting a problem in public may incur a fee)
  • credit purchasing (e.g., user may purchase credit, and some actions like posting new public content may eat the credit)
  • pay-per-payment (e.g., fraction of payment)
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[Eimantas] Hi, welcome to try out our updated site ;) Btw., how it is going with Crrency?

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现在我们具有以下基本特征:1)知识框架; 2)真正的多语言能力; 3)学分制。

Now we have the essential features: 1) knowledge framework, 2) true multilinguality, 3) credit system.

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A technical executive: "You have a tool to solve problems... What problems?"

"Any. Personal or global. Personal, let's say you want to quit your job and start your own business. You'll spend days, weeks, months, sometimes years talking to your friends and family about your problem, but quite often you won't do anything about it and stay where you are -- at the problem mode. The same applies for global problems. Let's say you are annoyed by seeing rubbish on the street. You keep complaining to your friends, but don't do anything to improve situation. With Infinity, you get a structure to move away from the problem and take action to get what you want," I said.

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An accountant professional: "So, how does it work? You have a problem, then think about a solution, project, milestones and tasks, you say. With our business, the hardest thing is implementation."

"I agree, what people usually lack is resources - human capital, financial capital or knowledge. People with skills, know-how or money. On a daily basis it can be hard to find the right people. Let's say I want to make education better, so I want to connect with teachers. How do I find them? I need to go to schools, look for online forums. It takes time to make friends. It's easier with our platform, you already have all the people, together, in one place. I don't need to look for people myself, content is what connects us. I don't need to look for teachers because teachers are there talking about problems they care about," I said.

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An accountant professional: "I have lots of problems. Can I try? Some for my business, some personal ones. My family member has a disability so we have to approach problems differently."

"I agree, that's why conversation is important. We focus on comment based problem solving," I said.

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A business executive: "My true passion is food. I used to make shoes for vegans and vegetarians. I used to use plastic type of leather for shoe making. Now, no ones knows how to make shoes anymore!"

"You know, our goal is to collect procedural knowledge on how things were made. Next time you want to open a shoe factory, you can do so, because you know how people did it in the past," I said.

    : kriz, Bassxn2
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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A designer: "Schools would be most suitable IMO. It would teach young people to communicate with each other and express their thoughts."

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[Mindey], yes! we get a lot of feedback these days, so worth starting to share ideas for product features and milestones here.

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鲁塔,我们不是要在这里就该项目本身进行更多的公开讨论吗? :)

[ruta], wouldn't we want to have more public discussion about the project itself right here? :)

    : kriz
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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