Biopoints of Failure P&L: 0 (≃ 0 CNY)
Let's create an on-line list of bio-points of failure:
I'm creating this project as a stub to research and write causes of death, in a manner similar to how engineers write possible points of failure for systems and mechanisms, we shall write the failures from abstract to concrete, and organize by organisms, and then link and detail.
- ⬜️ 注意:添加 - 類似貝寶按鈕的東西,以及“這項公共計劃需要你的錢來定位廣告和外展采購科學家進行公共合作。”
- 以原本語言顯示 -
- ⬜️ Note: to add -- something like a paypal button, and "This public initiative needs your money to target ads and outreach sourcing scientists to public cooperation."
我已經註冊了一個域 ;)
I've registered a domain ;)