上級分類: 醫學與健康科學與研究


如何延長生物壽命? 它基於什麼?它的限制是什麼?

YAML [編輯]

生命長壽科學是一門 研究生物系統老化以及避免和逆轉它的方法的領域。

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我認爲Shapeflow的想法可能具有強大的解釋力和影響力,尤其是如果我們設計遊戲的話,我們稱之爲“ Body” -您(作爲攝取物質(例如,遊戲玩家))所經過的這種結構是隨着時間的流逝而生病或堵塞的人體,而您作爲目標的目標要成功地通過代謝途徑網絡。玩此類遊戲的孩子(或也許是AlphaZeros)可能會設計出許多我們不知道的策略……而且,沒有欺騙,親愛的AI –遍歷所有必要的部分,可以獲得加分,因此,不會突然將遊戲化的人體轉變爲拓撲甜甜圈。

I think, the idea of Shapeflow may have great explanatory power and potential for impact, especially, if we devise a game -- let's call it "Body" -- where this structure that you (as ingested substance (say, game player)) is travelling through, is a human body that is getting sick or clogged over time, and your target, as a substance, is to go successfully through that network of metabolic pathways. Kids (or maybe AlphaZeros) playing such games might devise many strategies that we do not know of... and, no cheating, dear AI -- with going through all the necessary parts, where you get extra points -- so, that you wouldn't suddenly convert the gamified human body into a topological doughnut.

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 


//如果我們設計一款遊戲-我們將其稱爲“身體”-您(作爲攝入物質(例如,遊戲玩家)正在經歷的這種結構)會隨着時間的流逝而生病或阻塞,作爲目標,您的目標是成功地通過新陳代謝途徑網絡。 //


// if we devise a game -- let's call it "Body" -- where this structure that you (as ingested substance (say, game player)) is travelling through, is a human body that is getting sick or clogged over time, and your target, as a substance, is to go successfully through that network of metabolic pathways. //

oh, love it! in my MUTANTU book, the readers comically explore the inside of the body, like blood vessels and intestines (where the action of my comics happens!) :)

正如您可能認爲這是一門藝術,通過人體作爲遊戲世界將具有很高的教育水平(我的意思是:“高度”),這可能會使孩子們對在做一些關於人體的事情上充滿信心。例如,如果遊戲具有特殊的額外工具,例如您在超級馬里奧兄弟公司中收集大蘑菇的工具,給予額外的權力來通過某些路徑移動,疏通擁擠的動脈,並讓祖母再次看到世界而不會視力忽明忽暗,或者得到超級槍支,可以直通或修復某些路徑...該遊戲可能非常有趣(且具有教育意義!**)。但是,我應該鼓勵轉到Shapeflow頁面,並提供進一步的評論,因爲該主題似乎比較籠統。 ;)

As much as you may think this is an art, going through a human body as a game world would be highly (I mean it: highly) educational, that could result in kids gaining confidence in actually doing something about human bodies. For example, if the game had special extra tools, like what you collect a big mushroom in Super Mario Bros, giving extra powers to move through certain pathways, unclogging congested arteries, and letting grandmother see the world again without flickering eyesight, or getting a super gun, that allows to cut through, or fix certain pathways... That game could be so fun (and educational!) to play. But I should encourage moving to Shapeflow page with further comments, as this topic is more general it seems. ;)

    : Ruta
    :  -- 
    :  -- 
