方法 / 原理如何?-
收集死亡因果圖以防止死亡 : 從世界各地的醫院收集醫療回溯信息,計算疾病風險的更深層原因,提供早期診斷和生活方式改變建議。
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工作 / 活動什麼?[結果]『這是我做的。接下來打算如此做…』
- 以原本語言顯示 -People had been concerned about the preservation of authenticity, and proof of time of existence of their ideas, before the time when an insecure browser and the web could peep into.
Proof-posting works with most of the known blockchains, and you can even enter a custom blockchain of your own.
-24.0000 ħ (10.0 HOUR) (+0.0)-1.0000 ħ (1.0 HUR) (+0.0)爲了提高首頁首次訪問者的信噪比,我隱藏了菜單,壓縮操作,讓眼睛專注於內容。
- 以原本語言顯示 -To increase the signal-to-noise ratio for first-time visitors of the home page, I have hidden menus, and compacted operations, so as to let the eyes focus on content.
However, apparently, some people didn't like it, because it is not clear what to do, so, I mostly reverted the change.
-10.0000 ħ (10.0 HUR) (+0.0)現在可以鎖定目標,創建投資預告,並與潛在的利益相關方分享。
- 以原本語言顯示 -It is now possible to lock targets, create teasers for investment, and share them with potential interested parties.
-24.0000 ħ (10.0 HOUR) (+0.0)我實現了一個散列,它採用以前的數據和當前列以及以前的散列來生成整個數據庫的散列。
- 以原本語言顯示 -I implemented a hash that takes previous data and current column and the previous hash to produce a hash of the entire database.
This allows us to synchronize with the minimum of data transmissions when I write the synchronizer part which shall rehash all its own data, then retrieve the hash of a binary search of the sorted data.
-3.0000 ħ (3.0 HUR) (+0.0)